What would you charge for this tree job

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300 bucks??? and you have to haul of the debris?
tell him for 300 bucks you'll just climb the tree dropping everything on his new fence and you'll leave a huge pile around the base of the tree:hmm3grin2orange:

and one of the numerous rule number ones of tree work, if there is a car under the tree move the car... it only takes one little branch to fall and spear through the glass... I'm kinda surprised you even had to consider that as an obstacle. just sayin
Will we be helping you price out more jobs for you? Just wondering.
Jeff :msp_smile:

Nah, just this one. Give me your best price so I can use it to lever your competition. Either way "We're just like you, ordinary people with a second home in a vacation resort. So please give us a break were struggling here to pay the mortgage."

I say climb it, stuff the brush in your half ton pickup and call it $500. Take the car and sell it on Craigslist( if there is still a market in Tenn) for $2500 and walk away feeling like you just made that Cheap SOB's day. Just sayin'.:msp_sneaky:
300 bucks??? and you have to haul of the debris?
tell him for 300 bucks you'll just climb the tree dropping everything on his new fence and you'll leave a huge pile around the base of the tree:hmm3grin2orange:

and one of the numerous rule number ones of tree work, if there is a car under the tree move the car... it only takes one little branch to fall and spear through the glass... I'm kinda surprised you even had to consider that as an obstacle. just sayin

yea i would just climb it and let every thing drop from the tree.but he said he can move the car for me.but i told hi if he can't move the car i got a good car trailer. and i can take the car for the payment and then cut the tree down and call it even.and he told me that he can't do that but he will consider it though.so i might get a call about it in the next few days or so.
Will we be helping you price out more jobs for you? Just wondering.
Jeff :msp_smile:

only the ones i have trouble with on pricing.i know the ones that got houses and fences and cars around it is a problem tree for me. but i can climb, trim and cut anytree thay is around here.but i have some trouble with prices right now i almost cut my throte and i did it on the last tree.
well it's good to hear that there is another younger guy with some motivation to do his own thing, all the guys i went to school with are a bunch of slackers. kudoo's to us:cheers:

:cheers: yeah i know i lot of guys like that.and they are to lazy to even work and live with their parents.but maybe one day they will grow up and go out and get a job or something but i doubt it though.
The principles of pricing a job are always the same. Figure out your hourly rate - labour, equipment, fuel, insurance, advertising, profit etc.

Estimate how long it's going to take you to do the job - travel time, work time, safety zone setup, customer relations, cleanup. You get there and the car isn't moved. Maybe you have to remove a portion of fence.

Mulitply the two and you get your price. You can then adjust your price if required to - meet the market, PITA premium. But you adjust the price with the knowledge of what the job should be costing you. If you are going to do it for less, remember you have to make it up in another job.

Read some accounting books, so you know the difference between fixed costs, variable costs, depreciation, break even, losses, profit. Sometimes you only want to cover your variable costs and a only a portion of the fixed costs.
oh i c well i go and see if i can find some books on accounting and see what i come up with.but he hasn't called back yet so he might be still looking or something.but i'll just wait untill the next job and when i get it and odn't worry about none of the others.
Some Home Owners expect you to come in and do a $5,000 pristine job while meeting all their demands for a smile and a handshake.:eek:uttahere2::eek:uttahere2::eek:uttahere2:
yeah i know and i always shake my customers hand afther everything is done and put up.and then i give them a card to incase they have anything else they want done.
oh i c well i go and see if i can find some books on accounting and see what i come up with.but he hasn't called back yet so he might be still looking or something.but i'll just wait untill the next job and when i get it and odn't worry about none of the others.

Running a tree BUSINESS is more than knowing how to sharpen a saw and tie knots. Even if you have a bookeeper/accountant, you need to know how the read the different forms they provide you ie income statement/balance sheet etc. It's all part of the learning process.
Someone out there is lowballing!

LOL i had a few customers call and tell me. that they had one of their freinds tell them that i was the best and the cheapest around town.and i know what i was doing and stuff and i can have a tree done in like 4 hours and be on my way.but i'm just 26 and i started this business with my dad and brothers that help out.and right now it's just hard to do anything with them crackheads out there with a saw and no insurance.doing jobs for a little of nothing and then messing somehting up and then pack up and leave it. for someone else to clean up.and have to charge a lot less then what the whole job would cost if you done it.

My dad lives in Avalon and keeps referring me to his friends and neighbors but they have all always gotten a price already. I can't beat those prices. I ask them if they already got that price,why the hell isn't the guy there doing the job? why are they looking for more bids. I laugh and walk away.

I would notch ,drop, and walk for those prices but nothing else. If I find this clown I'm going to have a heart to heart with him.

My step sisters father in law in Fox Den wants me to look at a tree but I already told him I won't do it for what he's already been quoted.

I tell them out in west Knox that it doesn't look like they worked for nothing, so why the hell should I?
If you're hauling everything away...........

well i didn't want to over price him.but i'll call him back nd tell him 900.00 and thats climbing it and everything exsept the stump removal.but i'm a volunteer fireman but i just do tree service work untill a i get the business built up.but i'll call him back and see if what he will say about it.but i think he is just looking for estimates right now.i'll find out in a few days

I'd get 1600.00 for that job. if he moves the car I'd knock off 2-300.

I'd put stolen plates on your truck then notch it, drop it. then I'd haul ass out of there. It would be worth the look on his face.

that is sad. with HO's like that, i write them off, if they call back, the price just went up. to insult your time and abilities with an amount like that deserves nothing less!! when he hires some crackhead to come out and the guy puts a new unwanted skylight in his house maybe he will understand the saying of "you get what you pay for" is true...
best of luck to ya!

I couldn't agree more.
Man, I gotta move to where you guys work. Judging by the pictures I would say that was a half day job for complete removal without the stump. That means $600 and I would probably still lose the job to a reputable competitor in the area...

I agree with the others that just throwing a number out there is a horrible way to quote. You need to know your hourly rate and use that as a basis. If you are efficient enough to finish ahead of schedule, consider that extra profit.

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