whatis this guy paid in your area?

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my groundie starts at.......

$75 a day w/limited experience and 100 and up if hes good n i dont have to do much on the ground.If its a kid i start em at 7-10 an hour and then bonus accordingly.(usually only average about 4-5 hours a day so it usually works better for the day guys)
Ekka said:
Hey Rolla, he cant nick off after the trees down coz no car, no can drive (legally) hahaha, so he's trapped.

120 pound is like $300 here so is quite reasonable money, what do ground guys get?

Groundies £60-£80 even £100 for a good rope/rigger man ,I don't work the stuffing out of a good climber ,there job imo is to do the trim or get the tree down,hauling brush ,lifting logs just shortens there short career even more imo.

Look after your climbers and they SHOULD look after you,that goes for groundies as well for that matter..
I do that all the time, thats actually nothing compared with some of the stuff I've done. I'd pay as much as $300 a day as long as he doesn't steal, get drunk, come in high, and have a bad attitude.
l2edneck said:
$75 a day w/limited experience and 100 and up if hes good n i dont have to do much on the ground.If its a kid i start em at 7-10 an hour and then bonus accordingly.(usually only average about 4-5 hours a day so it usually works better for the day guys)

and you guys thought i paid low wages !!!

what age kids you talking ... 12 yr olds?
Sorry mate can you elaborate..

Much, much bigger trees closer to houses. About 4 times the size easy with NO crane or knuckleboom and NO specail rigging system, just 150' of Samson 5/8" stable braid, 150' of Wall 1/2" double braid polyester and 2x 120' of New Englan high-vee. WITH my 16 YEAROLD son doing ALL the rigging on the ground. NO LIE, he's been working with me since he was 8, actually learning but working at the same time.

BTW It was leaning over 2 houses. I have taken down at least 50+ trees like the one above with NO crane. Several others I have had to use cranes but if I don't need to I don't.

Oh yah I start everyone at $10hr. on up to $20hr. If climber it goes to $30hr depending on how good relaible.
jazak said:
Much, much bigger trees closer to houses. About 4 times the size easy with NO crane or knuckleboom and NO specail rigging system, just 150' of Samson 5/8" stable braid, 150' of Wall 1/2" double braid polyester and 2x 120' of New Englan high-vee. WITH my 16 YEAROLD son doing ALL the rigging on the ground. NO LIE, he's been working with me since he was 8, actually learning but working at the same time.

BTW It was leaning over 2 houses. I have taken down at least 50+ trees like the one above with NO crane. Several others I have had to use cranes but if I don't need to I don't.

Oh yah I start everyone at $10hr. on up to $20hr. If climber it goes to $30hr depending on how good relaible.

please post a video of that.
yes i do...but that's like 15% more than his rates.

75.00 divided by 4 hours? you do the math

and the kids that i employ are usually 17 or older and get paid to ride around in the truck half the day.Its merely a learning expierence for them not a labor camp bro.Hahahahahaha
I haven't seen the video but...

The climbers who call me looking for work are usually asking for $100 - $150 Day, or $12 - $25 HR

No pissing comp here and I believe you, but the board is hungry for video footage of proper live tree jobs.

No more nancy fancy correct gramma and rehersed stuff, the real McCoy, footage.

So please, if you can contribute it would be appreciated.

Honestly, I have held back on vids like that for ages knowing the PPE nazi's would be out but I thought hey, it's not my show and as long as I'm OK video it.
Ill get a vid of one of my mates i promise ekka,new school bushy.9/10 in my book.
I'll see if I can get one made next time a take down a big one. I wasn't trying to start a pissing contest, just saing that around here thats nothing.:biggrinbounce2:

BTW is that you in the tree? Want to come work here?:biggrinbounce2: :biggrinbounce2:
I do have some pics I may be able to get on here. The were taken with a non-digital, the digital was left at home.
jazak said:
I do have some pics I may be able to get on here. The were taken with a non-digital, the digital was left at home.

i'll take some video today.