Mike Maas said:
Yes, there may be, but they aren't here teaching newbies the stupid thing they do. I understand that this is the "new" Arboristsite, and we're all supposed to nice and fruffy, but teaching new climbers that ANSI is hogwash and safety is stupid, just doesn't cut it with me. It's dangerous and shows his totaly lack of understanding of what it takes to have a safe carrier in the industry.
Why do you think you see so many hacks? Because the information is handed down from one hack to the next. The chain was never broken. Ask a good climber where he learned to climb, he'll say things like: college, trade shows, arbormaster, internet, books, ect.
Then ask a hack, he'll say from my uncle, he worked line clearance.
I learned what I know from here, and other sights like this. I also read books and articles online and in magazines for approx. 2-3 years before I climbed my first tree.
Over a year ago, I borrowed my first books from Butch. I have read and own all ANSI books that sherrill offers, along with the little book for them. Futhermore, I own many of the books that Sherrill offers, with another order to pick up the rest of the books I dont already have. I think they have 7 or 8 that I dont have that are relavant to me (I dont need to know about the west coast) and next order, they are all coming.
I am headed to Montgomery, AL in a couple months to become a certified arborist through ISA. I have also recieved the info on becoming accredited through TCIA, and am considering that for my company. I am in the process of recieving contracts for my services at 3 colleges right now as a consulting arborist and for my services.
It would seem that I try to learn all that I can, and continue my eduction so that I can use my knowledge to expand my buisness.
If your require a book to tell you how to be safe, then your in the wrong profession. Common sense is the biggest contributer to saftey, not a book telling you to tie in when you can fall, and be redundant with your saftey gear because stuff happens.
I have never said (that I remember) that ANSI is hogwash, or that they are not valid points. This shows that you know nothing about me. Also, the other crowd that dislikes me, doesnt like me because I jumped on Big John for among other things, saying that ANSI was "hog wash". This shows your total lack of understanding of what I am about. Why not get to know me? I regularly talk to several members on AS, one I talk to almost every day.
About the ANSI-natzi, I meant its either 4' or 6', i didnt know which. Someone such as yourself would chime in and cite the reference and the measurement. I was in my dorm room, and the ANSI standards book was 3 feet away, under my bed, I didnt feel like reaching over, picking it up and finding the exact measurement. By the way, you never answered if it was 4 or 6'?
Its AMAZING that in my first year and a half, I have had no injuries that where covered under ANSI, and only one that was caused by not using common sense. I have had around 20 people work for me over this last year, most with minimal training, and yet none have been hurt, as well as I have never been hurt.
Perhaps you should get to know someone before you call them a hack thats against ANSI, and general saftey. It seems that I am one of the better, or perhaps just smarter, tree companies in the area. I have a removal to do that everyone else in the area said couldnt be done. There is nothing wrong with the tree, just its size and location make it hard to do, no biggie (except the price, kinda pumped about that) to do the tree.
I am also in college there ole buddy
