Looking at a little South Bend 9 this afternoon. I want a little better later but the price is right on this one to get me started.Logan 210
Looking at a little South Bend 9 this afternoon. I want a little better later but the price is right on this one to get me started.Logan 210
Looking at a little South Bend 9 this afternoon. I want a little better later but the price is right on this one to get me started.
Got her done. 180 comp before break in
That's my first attempt at a 044! Pretty happy with it.
I did't do any kind of build thread on this saw. I don't mind sharing if you want to PM me. In a nut shell I machined the cylinder, changed port timing and polished it all up.
If you keep squirting fuel directly into the carb when it’s about to die will it keep running? After it dies have you tried opening the fuel cap then trying to start it back up? You’ll rule out fuel related issues by doing these two things.Gremlins! Seriously though, could it be an air leak due to a crack that only opens after it gets hot, like when it's been idling for 5 minutes? If it's not a crack, then I heard that using clothes a shoemaker got gremlins to work for him for awhile. It'd be worth a shot to try and replicate his feat. Apparently the saw porters have succeeded in taming them, so us mortals should be able to do it as well, right?
that's a great picture!This was under the bench at work, like so:
View attachment 768758I dragged it out and re-assembled it on my bench:
View attachment 768760
Took it home and cleaned it up before I return it:
View attachment 768763And was reminded of this vintage picture of a friend of a logger I know:
View attachment 768766