What's the best backpack blower on the market?

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What's the best BP blower on the market today?

  • Shindaiwa EB802

    Votes: 28 21.5%
  • Redmax EBZ8050/EBZ8001

    Votes: 54 41.5%
  • Echo PB-770

    Votes: 48 36.9%

  • Total voters
Stock carb has a 13.5mm venturi. So does the WYK-33-1. Could likely open it up to 15mm, as that's what the actual carb body is. It looks to be the identical carb, only with both H and L needles. Only $32 to boot:)

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Not to pick on you here, but your whole post is subjective. I could say my 8510 has no equal, I haven't had a single issue with it and it has awesome power. With that said I know better, if I had to guess the other two cycle models will last longer and with less maintenance, the valves do need to be adjusted on the 4 cycle engines including the 4-mix.

Brad I totally understand wanting a two cycle instead of a four cycle, it makes seance.

To have an opinion is fine, but lets not start acting like our opinions are fact, especially when you have little or no experience with other brands IMHO.

You kind of missed my point. I wasn't stating that the BR600 was the best blower out there, simply that I was happy with it and that In my opinion it was better piece of equipment compared to the Echo that I tried.

My point was that specs don't always tell the whole story and the best way to find the "best" blower is to actually use them. I used the Solo blower as an illustration of the point even though it wasn't on Brad's list. Some people feel that the solo is a superior blower, I used them back to back and for me there was no comparison.

Whenever you ask someone's opinion the answer is likely to be subjective.

Brad: I hope you are happy with your decision. If there was a Shindaiwa dealer close to me I may very well be singing the praises of Shindaiwa over Stihl.
Brad: I hope you are happy with your decision. If there was a Shindaiwa dealer close to me I may very well be singing the praises of Shindaiwa over Stihl.

When it's all said and done here, I won't be able to say I have the best blower on the market. To do that, I would have to own them all, and have put them all through the wringer. I can't do that. I have simply taken the information I could find, and made what I believe to be the best decision. It's what I think to be the best blower for me at this point in time. Bottom line, there are an easy 1/2 dozen blower out there right now that could all vie for the top spot. That was my whole point in the discussion about the BR600. It's a great blower, but is certainly not the be all end all of blowers. It's just another great option.

BTW, my dealer has 4 BR600s setting on the shop floor right now. One of them has a melted camshaft. It's plastic! I didn't know that until this morning. They've also seen their fair share of broken valves and other related problems. They did also comment that they haven't seen any more problems since the supposed redesign, so that's a very good sign. I likely won't put enough hours on any blower to ever show it's faults, but I think you can still understand why I chose to stay away from a 4-mix.
I'm guessing I could have my jug off and down to Franklin in about 2 hours,please file your specs.

It's ported now, and back together. The cylinder and overall build quality is top notch. I didn't see one thing that was sub-standard. It has a full skirt piston, two thin rings, and removeable transfer covers. Squish is still greater than .030" without the base gasket. It's cooling off now for a compression test. It starts and runs great. Throttle response is great. I picked up an additional 300 RPMs over just muffler modded. That's an increase of 430 RPMs over stock. I really don't see that being an issue on the impeller. I've got an adjustable carb on order, but this one still seems to be giving it plenty of fuel. I slowly tweaked the choke and it never picked up RPMs, then started slowing down. Plug color looks fine too. I gave it the brick test, and it blew it 10' this time. It rips the grass right out of the wet lawn.

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Mine seemed to pick up some power after breakin but I did not check rpm's.I mite have 8 or 9 tanks through it whitch is alot,the tank holds about a half gallon.
It would be nice to know how much more fuel it will use over stock with the muffler mod and then with the porting. Is it worth it for a few hundred rpm's?
I didnt get a chance to reply to ths thread until now, but you went with what was going to be my suggestion Brad. I run the EB802 daily in the spring , summer and fall. It's stock to which SUCKS lol, but i havent run into a leaf pile i couldnt move and the realiability is great too. I havent had any issues
I purchased a Shindaiwa EB8510RT a couple of years ago. Mainly because all the lanscapers I knew, switched from their stihls to the shindaiwas and loved them.

I'm more than happy with mine. I don't notice the extra weight and it will blow gravel no problem (as I'm sure they all will).

They had a recall on the impeller, which they switched, no charge (warrenty).

I thought that there was no point voting on the poll as I can't say I've tried them all to determine which one is "best". Besides, the poll is missing quite a few blowers.
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You kind of missed my point. I wasn't stating that the BR600 was the best blower out there, simply that I was happy with it and that In my opinion it was better piece of equipment compared to the Echo that I tried.

My point was that specs don't always tell the whole story and the best way to find the "best" blower is to actually use them. I used the Solo blower as an illustration of the point even though it wasn't on Brad's list. Some people feel that the solo is a superior blower, I used them back to back and for me there was no comparison.

Whenever you ask someone's opinion the answer is likely to be subjective.

Brad: I hope you are happy with your decision. If there was a Shindaiwa dealer close to me I may very well be singing the praises of Shindaiwa over Stihl.

No problem I get what you're saying.
I purchased a Shindaiwa EB8510RT a couple of years ago. Mainly because all the lanscapers I knew, switched from their stihls to the shindaiwas and loved them.

I'm more than happy with mine. I don't notice the extra weight and it will blow gravel no problem (as I'm sure they all will).

They had a recall on the impeller, which they switched, no charge (warrenty).

I thought that there was no point voting on the poll as I can't say I've tried them all to determine which one is "best". Besides, the poll is missing quite a few blowers.
Not from the research that I did and evidently Brad has done.These were the top dogs.
It's ported now, and back together. The cylinder and overall build quality is top notch. I didn't see one thing that was sub-standard. It has a full skirt piston, two thin rings, and removeable transfer covers. Squish is still greater than .030" without the base gasket. It's cooling off now for a compression test. It starts and runs great. Throttle response is great. I picked up an additional 300 RPMs over just muffler modded. That's an increase of 430 RPMs over stock. I really don't see that being an issue on the impeller. I've got an adjustable carb on order, but this one still seems to be giving it plenty of fuel. I slowly tweaked the choke and it never picked up RPMs, then started slowing down. Plug color looks fine too. I gave it the brick test, and it blew it 10' this time. It rips the grass right out of the wet lawn.

This is too funny. The blowerizer.:msp_laugh:
Brad, you may have to fatten yourself up a bit as every action has an opposite and equal reaction (or something like that).
If you slipped and pointed the nozzle downward you could very well be last seen by a 747 pilot at 30,000'...


Of course the real fix to needing a blower is to live in a country where the trees aren't deciduous :D

(Ok ok, so ours drop their bark instead :dizzy:)

And Drop Bears Rick :)