What's the best backpack blower on the market?

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What's the best BP blower on the market today?

  • Shindaiwa EB802

    Votes: 28 21.5%
  • Redmax EBZ8050/EBZ8001

    Votes: 54 41.5%
  • Echo PB-770

    Votes: 48 36.9%

  • Total voters
now you got me thinkin about doing something with my older br600. wonder how far you can go and still have the impeller be effesiant?
Brad, you may have to fatten yourself up a bit as every action has an opposite and equal reaction (or something like that).

Newton's Third Law :msp_smile:

Brad, get yourself on a skateboard or the like with the blower and you'll be moving...
Newton's Third Law :msp_smile:

Thats the one :cheers: Haven't studied Physics for years but knew you had superman in your title for a reason ;)

Brad, get yourself on a skateboard or the like with the blower and you'll be moving...

Now that would be cool. I want to see both Brad and Andy have a 1/4 mile drag on skateboards using only their blowers as propulsion.

Do it guys, don't be *******.
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Thats the one :cheers: Haven't studied Physics for years but knew you had superman in your title for a reason ;)

Now that would be cool. I want to see both Brad and Andy have a 1/4 mile drag on skateboards using only their blowers as propulsion.

Do it guys, don't be *******.

Ahahaha I didn't think of that one, but I sure will keep it in the back of my mind for next time.:go:

I think his blower is quite lite and if I were buying a new one that's what I would get. The quality of the Shin blowers is off the chart in every way IMHO.
The krb750 is as powerful as the br600. I've had two and they're awesome. Echo, no, too heavy and not as powerful. I've had the br600, nuttin wrong w/it. It's an awesome light blower. You still put mixed fuel in it. I'd go w/the kawa or stihl. Can't go wrong either way.
The new adjustable carb just came in. It is indeed identical to the original in every way, except it's fully adjustable. With the original carb it was turning 7200 RPMs. With the new carb, the RPMs max out at 7400 and I tuned it to 7300. I removed the air filter and it maxes out at 7500, and tuned it to 7400. I'm not going to put a v-stack and K&N filter on this thing for 100 RPMs. I put the air filter back on and retuned to 7300 RPMs.

This means that the original carb is more than sufficient for the muffler mod, or porting as well. It's actually 100 RPMs richer than necessary, even with porting. I just like knowing that I can always adjust the carb as needed.
For all you BR600 lovers.........I don't think so.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pFALIC18msE?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I'll be tearing these down to see what's actually wrong with them. I'm not real hopeful for a couple of them. Granted, these are all probably older than the "new improved" version, but I'm staying away from them for myself.
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For all you BR600 lovers.........I don't think so.

I'll be tearing these down to see what's actually wrong with them. I'm not real hopeful for a couple of them.

Thats ridiculous where did you get them? Your very very nice dealer ? lol
Even if you only get a couple working Iam sure people are always looking for parts aka ebay. The flywheels have a problem on these machines apparently of shearing at a ridiculous rate.

Tanaka TBL-7800R backpack blower, right hand throttle


The Tanaka TBL-7800R is a great blower. 7yr Residential Warranty and Mail in Rebate offer! Check them out at your local dealer! :D

7 year residential warranty if they don't pack up their #### and leave by then.

Also where's my local dealer? You mean the grainger outlet? Where the guys are on facebook behind the counter telling me to hold on a second before they can help me???

Also that thing is just a redmax with a small air filter...
Thats ridiculous where did you get them? Your very very nice dealer ? lol
Even if you only get a couple working Iam sure people are always looking for parts aka ebay. The flywheels have a problem on these machines apparently of shearing at a ridiculous rate.


These came from a large lawn care company here locally. He has a bunch of BR400s, a pile of Echo gas hedge trimmers, and a bunch of FS80/85 and Echo trimmers as well. I'm not sure what we're doing with them yet. I want to see what we've got here first. He lives just around the corner from me.
For all you BR600 lovers.........I don't think so.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pFALIC18msE?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I'll be tearing these down to see what's actually wrong with them. I'm not real hopeful for a couple of them. Granted, these are all probably older than the "new improved" version, but I'm staying away from them for myself.

Why tear them down, all you need is a leak down tester. It will tell you everything you need to know on the condition of the inside of the engine. If the gauge shows over 10% leakage its valve job time, either they are burnt or carboned up so bad they don't seat...

Oppppps I thought that was a picture, its a vid. That whole line there sound like wore out junk to me. A few there need shortblocks for sure at over 200.00 a pop. I'd haul that pile back where ya gotem..
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That whole line there sound like wore out junk to me. A few there need shortblocks for sure at over 200.00 a pop. I'd haul that pile back where ya gotem..

I suspect you're right and am expecting to do just that. I've not been inside a 4-mix yet. I'm anxious to see how they're made. This guy only gets a few months out of these. My dealer sells to him and said he doesn't take care of anything. He refuses to buy Ultra oil, says it's too expensive, lol.
I suspect you're right and am expecting to do just that. I've not been inside a 4-mix yet. I'm anxious to see how they're made. This guy only gets a few months out of these. My dealer sells to him and said he doesn't take care of anything. He refuses to buy Ultra oil, says it's too expensive, lol.

Well they aren't hard to work on if you got something worth working on. Those blowers look and sound like they took a trip to hell and back.

No doubt those 4-mix blowers had their share of problems since they first came out. First main issue was the fan impeller breaking, a new impeller was made. Then came the exhaust valve burning in hot climates, seem to hold up fairly well in cool climates but in hot climates it failed way too often. Then came the fuel lines busting at the top of the fuel tank. Then came a new exhaust valve that was harder than the first. Some had valve guide issues, it would come loose. Then came a whole new shortblock with a hardened exhaust valve and the top of the cylinder itself is harder, solved all the valve problems including the guides. They added rubber fittings around the fuel hose ends to stop them from busting all the time. Then they came out with new straps, the old ones would get wet from sweat and get all nasty. Now they got new tube ends that wear longer than the old ones. Lastly but not least they changed the fuel tank and cap so it comes off and goes on easier. Belgian should be happy,LOLOL

Lucky for the customer Stihl had no problem warranting any of those known issues no matter how old the blower was. I actually handed several customers of mine brand new blowers to replace old ones that were 3-4 years old on Stihl's dime. All it took was a phone call.

The BR 4-mixer of today are the lightest power to weight blowers on the market and with all the issues now ironed out they are also the best selling blowers on the market. I don't think there is a blower on the market within 3-4lbs of the 600 that produces the power of the 600. Far as reliable in the last 3-4 years they have been almost trouble free, I rarely ever see one come back for anything other than old fuel in the tank. The new ones are by far the best of the lot, they should be, they were a long time in the making.

I've sold a ton of those things and the early ones that failed I repaired or replaced. The customers were always taken care of and thanks to that those blowers today are murdering the competition in sales.

Far as your thread title goes I don't know who has the best blower on the market for I haven't had to pleasure to deal with the others. I have strapped a big Redmax to my back and thought screw this, this thing is like carrying a block of lead. Had plenty of power but you needed plenty yourself to carry it. I do know this, there's more BR blowers on the backs of americans than any other blower and really in my biz thats my main concern. Who is the best overall, good question, in my biz and what I'm most concerned with I'm already selling it...