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Dec 23, 2009
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Massachusetts ( WESTERN MA )
It's on a lot of pines we were cleaning up. HO was really concerned about it, I didn't think it appeared to be as bad as she was making it out to be. This couple is literally like the Howells from Gilligans Island, clothes, talking, money, the whole bit. Funny.

View attachment 130078
Its called a PI vine. The oil that drips out when cut is good to use as a natural sunscreen. Just let it drip out and rub it in all over.
Now that right there is the funniest thing I read on this forum in a long time.

gotta rep that:agree2:
Cutting off the trees isn't that bad, just suit up appropriatly and maybe a dust mask or bandana and its a decent job. I do it alot.
LOL, funny Dano.

Yeah, PI. It sucks! I can wallow in the leaves of it and not get the stuff but when I cut into the big vines and get the oil on me I get it something fierce.

It helps if you wash your arms with water as soon as you get out of the tree when you are cutting those. Most of the time that will keep me from getting the stuff.
It also makes for good toilet paper...

Funny story, Long before I was around, my dad and mom and aunt and uncle went fishing at one of our local watersheds, and my aunt really had to go..if you know what I mean. Lets just say, do "NOT" use poison oak leaves as toilet paper. That was a bad week or so for her I'm sure.
I am completely immune to the stuff.

Some years back, I string trimmed a huge patch into green pulp while wearing shorts. My legs were completely covered green with juices and leaf pulp.

I didn't get any rash or sore spots, although my legs did itch quite a bit for a week.

By the way, I have seen lots of other vines that form those hairy attachments. I wouldn't be so sure that is poison ivy. Looks more like grapevine to me, after the vine has been ripped off.
RE : Whats this?

Hi All,
Cutting all trees for only oil ? Its not good because now a green area is missing from this earth. I request that please reduce this trees cutting ratio.

Hello Mark....and welcome...You may be on the wrong forum.Suggesting that we stop cutting trees would be the wrong thing to say here.This is what most of us do for a living.Starting at the top of this thread the picture is of a poison ivy vine and the guys are having a little fun joking around with things you should NOT do with the stuff.If you were already aware of that then your joke was on me.:monkey: