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Personally most of the time i carry one redirect loopie w/ HmS biner, and an extra tress cord and biner, in case need to double tie in. This is the minimum i'll carry on an average prune job. I too believe in coming up there prepared for the job. If i'll be doing much roping or a take down, the along come the pulleys and slings. If i'll have alot of possible up and down work then i'll bring the Pantin up w/ me even if i may footlock for entry, i'll have the pantin there for a possible later ascent; it's so small I never notice it. I try to minimize the amount of gear I take into a tree as much as possible anyhow. I'm still not up for the first aid kit, this is a personal decision, b/c i know if i hurt myself bad enough to need a first aid kit then the best thing for me to do is to get directly to the ground b/c i have the tendency of fainting, this wouldn[t be a good thing up in the tree. no need for an aerial rescue. Another funny thing to me is the first aid kit carries one of the no lip touch cpr deallys, whatever you call them. I don' t think i'll be needing to carry that on my saddle, chances of me needing to give cpr in a tree are pretty slim, if by chance something like this did ever occur, i doubt i'd be worried about finding that thing. Just my 2 Cents.
i think sling and carabiner sets are a very multi-purpose grab and clip; i might redirect the strength of a support and it's brake force to a point that leverages or delivers amicably the line or lowering point respectively.

i've never thought daisy chain was worth it either; but have an alternate method than tom on the opposite end of the nation. i try to get a self working wrap, by dangling the carabiner on a few inches of a loop runner, rocking it to get a slight swing, keep it going with wrist, and hold long end of sling and bring it in and artound twisting around pendulumn, dog end of sling in to lock, invert so carabiner is up, slike the twists down on the dogged end. Just keep it all light and relaxed; so it isn't tight and hard to make and undo; kinda a 2-3 second whipping around thing.

A lot of times to twist/steer right; i might come over the top down the left side, under, and hitch to right; usually in tandem with the line at an angle to the support. Both are leveraged angles, so as the line is tighter, the leveraged return is more; so when pretightend enough, ill cut down, then across, rather than jsut across. By pressing down more to start with load into the line, while line is leveraged, the line will pull much harder back to the right, much more powerfully working for you. Here, the component type rigging of being able to set the sling, then thread line to it can make it easier i think.

Also, being able to preset some, moves ahead, and weight and consider if that is maximum for moves/drops ahead of the ground crew to optimize and learn etc.

Another is to leverage line angle back into the hinge for more support from the same pull: throw line out thru crotch and let boomerang back to you underneath and clip awaiting sling/carabiner and cut; the modular, componenet system of flexible utility can make sense in a lot of fields i think.

Orrrrrrrrr something like that,