>Consequently you don't see too many sites full either
not even on the
4th of July?... g-zzz next thing you know, there will be a camping spot surcharge if u don't buy their wood! min 5-pak.
I remember many times as a youth stopping at US national parks on our way back n forth across the USA. campout. fun stuff! I have been in every state in the Union. Dad was in USAF on west coast, WA and Grandma and Grandpa were on the east coast, NJ ... and one time Dad would take a northerly route, come back southerly... etc etc, well, you get the idea. sometimes when we stopped for the night, mid afternoon... let us kids stretch our feet sort of thing, we would make a campfire set up for night fall... all we needed was to scrounge wood from the park. all over the place. we dint cook on it as he always had a 2-burner Coleman stove.