well for starters, money to l+I is based on risk of injury as well as record of layoffs, though every state is different.
if RI is bankrupt because of this that falls squarely on RI, to say thats true for every state is foolish. Especially since in some states the unemployment rate is still under 6% and has been for around 12 years
as for printing more money, cash money is a complicated beast, printing 225b is only a drop in the bucket, could be as easily explained by population expansion and normal rates of economic expansion.
now if they were to increase paper money into the trillions, then maybe it would be an indicator of inflation.
besides, most money is digital now anyway, wealth per se is just what ever your bank account says, it's highly unlikely that there is enough cash anywhere to pay everyone if everyone decided to cash out in the next month.
seriously ya all been huffing the same farts and sucking on the flavor aid a little to long, stop and have a short think about what you are saying and hearing, ask yourself A: is it possible and how
C:what are the motives
D:who does it directly benefit