When will lumber prices normalize?

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Who exactly is this mystical "THEY" anyway. the "Iluminati" "knights Templar" "Masons" "Elks" "JW's" the "Billionairs"

Be specific please, call them out, so we know exactly who to be on the look out for.
THEY can't reveal who THEY is because it would require a bit of research and research is hard to do. I find that people who pass around all these dire warnings and conspiracy theories are just too lazy to do any, even basic, fact checking. Note that their "facts" seldom have references cited and if they do, it is some obscure self proclaimed youtube expert. Much easier for THEM not to try to figure out what THEY are talking about.

As for Wisconsin? I lived in the Finlander part of the state. Lots of folks of Finland and Swedish ancestry. It was a good place with good libraries and schools and things to do. Don't know if it is still that way. I hope it is. That part of the state was pretty progressive which might be why it was so nice. Winter was no worse than it used to be in the part of Warshington where I grew up. Summer was not so nice in Up Nort but I would go to the big lake and cool off. The locals thought I was crazy to do that but I grew up playing in glacier fed lakes so it felt right to be bobbing around in Lake Superior.

Now, back on topic sort of, there was a post in a local forum wanting to know why the local mill isn't rebuilt and running. The poster indicated that a lot of people could get employed. They don't understand about computerized mills and how hiring as few humans as possible is a factor. Not that we have any timber left around here either. One commenter was mad about Canada cutting our trees. That shows a good understanding of the situation. (sarcasm).

Last week I took a trip up and over da Nort Cascades highway. Saw 4 loaded log trucks heading west on day two of opening.
THEY can't reveal who THEY is because it would require a bit of research and research is hard to do. I find that people who pass around all these dire warnings and conspiracy theories are just too lazy to do any, even basic, fact checking. Note that their "facts" seldom have references cited and if they do, it is some obscure self proclaimed youtube expert. Much easier for THEM not to try to figure out what THEY are talking about.

As for Wisconsin? I lived in the Finlander part of the state. Lots of folks of Finland and Swedish ancestry. It was a good place with good libraries and schools and things to do. Don't know if it is still that way. I hope it is. That part of the state was pretty progressive which might be why it was so nice. Winter was no worse than it used to be in the part of Warshington where I grew up. Summer was not so nice in Up Nort but I would go to the big lake and cool off. The locals thought I was crazy to do that but I grew up playing in glacier fed lakes so it felt right to be bobbing around in Lake Superior.

Now, back on topic sort of, there was a post in a local forum wanting to know why the local mill isn't rebuilt and running. The poster indicated that a lot of people could get employed. They don't understand about computerized mills and how hiring as few humans as possible is a factor. Not that we have any timber left around here either. One commenter was mad about Canada cutting our trees. That shows a good understanding of the situation. (sarcasm).

Last week I took a trip up and over da Nort Cascades highway. Saw 4 loaded log trucks heading west on day two of opening.
Dem trucks are likely headed to Darrington, or SP Burlington

Lake superior, never gives up her dead... Most of them are still at the bottom, intact... Just so's ya's know's, could be part of why folks stared atchya funny.

Folks seem to forget all the Mills that have closed over the last 30-40 years. Partly from compurerized processing, partly from a lack of available timber, not mind trees, but logs, still lots of trees, but most of it is off limits.

As for Canada cutting our timber... no... however they do send an awful lot of cut lumber down here, with the very rare barge of oversize Fir logs. 2-3 train loads a day come through loaded mostly with CanFor/Frasier or a few other canadian branded lumber cars, interspersed with a handful of oil cars. And no they taint going to the ports, cause they would of likely stayed in BC for that, they hit Everett and turn East away from the water.
Dem trucks are likely headed to Darrington, or SP Burlington

Lake superior, never gives up her dead... Most of them are still at the bottom, intact... Just so's ya's know's, could be part of why folks stared atchya funny.

Folks seem to forget all the Mills that have closed over the last 30-40 years. Partly from compurerized processing, partly from a lack of available timber, not mind trees, but logs, still lots of trees, but most of it is off limits.

As for Canada cutting our timber... no... however they do send an awful lot of cut lumber down here, with the very rare barge of oversize Fir logs. 2-3 train loads a day come through loaded mostly with CanFor/Frasier or a few other canadian branded lumber cars, interspersed with a handful of oil cars. And no they taint going to the ports, cause they would of likely stayed in BC for that, they hit Everett and turn East away from the water.
Apparently we are exporting some lumber north. This was reported as seen from near the boundary, which is still closed to most of us.

The Nort Cascades road looks like a long steep grind for log trucks. They weren't setting speed records for their climb.

Today's happy dog in the woods picture.
There was actually some loggin' going on today (Sunday) in a campground we drove by. It is probably the whole year's target for the forest as the trees were big for east side junk. Shoulda took a picture of that, I guess.
Apparently we are exporting some lumber north. This was reported as seen from near the boundary, which is still closed to most of us.

The Nort Cascades road looks like a long steep grind for log trucks. They weren't setting speed records for their climb.

Today's happy dog in the woods picture.
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There was actually some loggin' going on today (Sunday) in a campground we drove by. It is probably the whole year's target for the forest as the trees were big for east side junk. Shoulda took a picture of that, I guess.
yeah hwy20 is a bastard... claims a truck or 2 every year too. But it is the shortest route from say Omak/Chellan to mills on the west side, otherwise they are going all the way down to at least Stevens Pass or worse yet I90, both arguably more suited to trucks, but much much longer hauls.
care for some grape flavor aid?
So just on the News. Space Force Commander fired for being CONSERVATIVE. Yes they hate Freedom of Speech WHEN it's conservative. IF he had been bashing Trump they would have loved him. Have you noticed how Angry and Hateful the idiots, uh! I mean the left is. Did you notice when they have no facts to rebut they Sling insults. This is the mentality of the people who give up their power thinking they will get more for themselves by surrendering more of themselves. I normally don't talk to them because they are not wise enough to hold a mature conversation. Have a great day.
Who exactly is this mystical "THEY" anyway. the "Iluminati" "knights Templar" "Masons" "Elks" "JW's" the "Billionairs"

Be specific please, call them out, so we know exactly who to be on the look out for.
Don't we wish we knew who "They" are. They are the ones who are making all the money. Go into politics and become a multimillionaire. Could it be THEY are part of the "THEY" who are ruining our country. Look at the Democratic party. Ever since THEY got power my money buys LESS. Bidens are or have been in oil. How do the Biden lovers like the inflation. To them I say: Enjoy your new world order and make up excuses and or spew the lies you have been told by fake news to blame Trump for the pain while the cancer inside grows larger.
Have a great day
what ya all seem to forget, the Current Pres financial plan won't come into effect until 2022, we are still operating under Trumps plans (or lack there of), Bidens plans for the most parts still have to go through congress/senate and then have set dates to take effect.
I said the same damned thing when Trump took over in 18 and everyone was all giggitty over a booming economy and cheap gas.
He might be a little harsh but nothing I buy cost the same or less than it did 6 months ago. Who‘s in charge of monetary policy as we speak?
Sounds like They are.

Our economy is based on "market". As long as you keep on buying and there is a demand, prices will stay the same or go up. That's the way it is. To control prices would be.....some kind of ism, wouldn't it?

What would your solution be? There's a lot of complaining and finger pointing, but very little in the way of solutions presented here. The local bit has folks wanting Someone (Someone is a form of Them) to rebuild the mill that was shut down and then burned up last year. I guess trees of a merch quality and size will just magically appear?
Who's going as the Kettle this year for Halloween? Cause we already got a crack Pot.
As I've stated many times the Left is nasty. They call names and sling poo when facts Trump fiction. A zoo Keeper told me Monkeys do that. He said you can sling it back and just get more on you in an effort to throw more on the monkey.
This is why I seldom get into conversation with the young immature kids on the left. At 30 I knew everything. At 74 I know what the country was like when Trump was president. I'm not a politician but I can balance a check book. Now, I'll head for cover before the poo slinging starts up.
what ya all seem to forget, the Current Pres financial plan won't come into effect until 2022, we are still operating under Trumps plans (or lack there of), Bidens plans for the most parts still have to go through congress/senate and then have set dates to take effect.
I said the same damned thing when Trump took over in 18 and everyone was all giggitty over a booming economy and cheap gas.
Printing billions of $$$ to hand out has nothing to do with it, eh?
Free Free Free ! They are giving it out all over haven't you heard? 1400.00 checks 600.00 a week to be a bum! Billions to other Countries for God only knowsBut what!
That is not "printing more money." Where are you acquiring this info? Tell us the site to go to for the correct info that you are spouting off about.

BACK ON TOPIC, this is a small mill operation that would be more likely to pop up here. There is one tiny mill that I know of that cuts custom lumber in the area. Saw another article on facebook about a guy who found that he could save bucks by buying a small milling operation and milling the lumber himself for his house construction.

As I've stated many times the Left is nasty. They call names and sling poo when facts Trump fiction. A zoo Keeper told me Monkeys do that. He said you can sling it back and just get more on you in an effort to throw more on the monkey.
This is why I seldom get into conversation with the young immature kids on the left. At 30 I knew everything. At 74 I know what the country was like when Trump was president. I'm not a politician but I can balance a check book. Now, I'll head for cover before the poo slinging starts up.
well the kettle and pot analogy went straight over your head.
Printing billions of $$$ to hand out has nothing to do with it, eh?
I don't see inflation as being an issue, at least not the issue with certain commodities being more expensive, If you had paid attention to actual news over the last 4-5 years, there are a number of reasons why certain things are costing more. Many of them are for very real reasons mostly involving lack of labor and transportation. And its been ongoing not just because folks are finally able to afford the rent on unemployment, but also everyone wants to pay starting wages for 5 years experience and a 4 year degree. Trucking has so many loop holes you have to jump through keep a cdl that most folks get scared off, or in reality **** up and loose the chance before it ever occurs to them. Then you have the added issue of CA and a few other states insisting on having emissions friendly trucks, meaning modern trucks, that are expensive, and really not many being made everyday.

Add to that cocktail a half dozen or more major natural disasters, and A GLOBAL PANDEMIC, you get some pretty ****** up open markets, struggling to get product let alone deliver it.

Its a conundrum but if you pick it apart it starts making a lot more sense then "the gubamint wants us to be slaves" **** we already are slaves, eat, work, ****, sleep, go in more debt, they got us by the sensitive bits and didn't even have to try. Get past the finger pointing of Conservative vs Liberal, and start paying attention to WHAT happens, WHEN things happen In the first place. Rather then waiting for the talking head to spin it to one side or the other, as the media is so want to do lately.
Should I add that many of the massive natural disasters over the last 4-5 years, a certain administration has sat on its hands and did nothing to abate... leading to yet more infrastructure issues.
OR the serious need to address 1000's of failing bridges etc things we've know about for at least 15 years, The "shovel ready" program was a start to fix much of that, and is still benefitting the construction industry, but its really not enough, and was never intended to be enough.

I can think of 4 bridges off hand that trucks are no longer allowed over just here in my county, more in and around Seattle, a couple of them are completely closed.
Free Free Free ! They are giving it out all over haven't you heard? 1400.00 checks 600.00 a week to be a bum! Billions to other Countries for God only knows what!
Ever wonder where all that L+I money we are forced to give goes? I've paid into for most of my adult life and much of my teenage years, along with millions of other americans over the last 80 years or so, at no time has there been so many folks unemployed that L+I was ever in even the remotest possibility of running out of money. The "system" is working like its supposed to, it was created to prevent another great depression, and has proven its metal several times.

Its literally OUR money, we put in, incase of something like this, its doing its job, and for once L+I isn't ******* things up for everyone.

Doesn't mean that I'm not going to make fun of Bill Hilly and his "back injury" that prevents him from lifting even 12oz (while he slams down bud tall boys like a fat kid drinking Tab)