Where do you cut?

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Where do you cut?

  • Rolling Hills of the Northeast

    Votes: 13 50.0%
  • Flat pine jungles of the Southeast

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • Flat treeless Midwest

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • Steep slopes of the Mountain West

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Gentle mountains of the Pacific northwest

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • Alaska

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


ArboristSite Operative
Oct 4, 2002
Reaction score
Albuquerque NM
Where is the majority of your cutting done? The rolling hills of the Northeast, the flat jungles of the Southeast, the steep rocky slopes of the Mountain West, or the gentle Mountains of the greater California/ Pacific northwest?
well I am from the Midwest and it is not tree less Wieland&Sons Lumber.Co who I saw for .we have 3 mills that saw 80 mbf or 300 logs(per mill) a shift so thats 900 logs in 8 hours 1st shift and 900 logs 2nd shift,9000 logs a week and we are one of smaller sawmills in Southwest Wisconsin, a message from Seth in the tree less Midwest
the pedmont of North Carolina, some hills. in parts it gets steep:angel:
I don't know if they are rolling...

What about the arid wasteland of the southwest?:p I figured while were making broad regional characterizations, I didn't want to leav eyour neck of the woods out.:)
Where is Minnesota on the list? I live on the edge of an area local loggers, farmers and outdoorsmen called "the devil's washboard"...a spot where the glaciers dumped a lot of stuff, steeply rolling, a lot of eskers, potholes, bogs, etc. There are some islands of never-logged timber near me; couldn't get to it.

My grandfather was a farmer and logged in the winters to earn extra $$$. He got ahold of a used mine "steam donkey" towards the close of the 30's, but lost it, and the team dragging it, when he went through the ice trying to get to a pocket of white pines on an island in a bog.

The white pines are still there. At that time he would have worked a month or more to get about 120,000 bf out and earned himself $200 doing it.
None of the above. Another one for arkansas here. AR red oak to make a saw sing - or die.

It's quite funny how everyone thinks we dont have trees to cut over here...
Lately, most of my cutting has been at my property up on Northwood Lake in NH where I've been working on the "Stabbin Cabin". Much of my previous work has been up at the summer place on Mooselookmeguntic Lake in Rangeley, ME.
I cut hardwood just one hour north of Toronto Ontario, Canada pop. 2.5 million. Most of my timber is bought from private woodlot owners, generally farmers. I cruise approx. 1000 acres a year to find the 300 or so trees I cut annually. If its not green gold I dont want it, unless its the odd tree removal job.
I think I have completed a long and exacting apprenticeship, having spaced thousands of West Coast Fir and falling, skidding, blocking, splitting, loading and delivering approx. 6000 full cords of hardwood between 1981 and 1995.
Now I am known of my own accord as the semi retired playboy logger, others call me a hardcore logger,however, in all honesty, I think I am just a Timber Tramp, but not really sure though as of yet, cause it's too early to tell.