Where's WYK been, and what trouble is he making?

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Many folks over the age of 60 had some immunity to swine flu, with others protected by the herd immunity granted therein , and still 12000 people died in the US. No one had any immunity to this virus landed.
I forgot to note I had swine flu, and it nearly killed me. Gave me pulmonary fibrosis.
I understand that this is virus is dead when you try to kill it but alive to spread making it very hard to combat. Early on there was a US company with a lab in California that claimed they found a way to kill it by running the virus DNA through some kind of algorithm. It looks like that was bunk.
Thing about viruses in general is that they don't have DNA, only RNA. In more complex organisms, DNA codes for RNA codes for protein. The extra step in transcribing packaged DNA to code as RNA acts as an error check. Lacking that error check makes it very likely for a virus to mutate -- double a string, omit a string, invert a string, or stick a string in the wrong place and you have a mutation. Most mutations are either useless or lethal to the virus but a tiny fraction of them make it suited to do something new -- "novel" -- and the only way for us to combat this is to, through some population acquiring the sickness, develop antibodies. Vaccines come after that, by killing the virus with antibodies or other agents, to produce inactive virus that can stimulate the production of more antibodies in newly-protected would-be hosts. This is also why there's a new flu vaccine every year -- that virus is also continually mutating. If you've ever been inclined to disregard Evolution as a mere "theory", here is an example that shows it in action, all around you, all the time.
Thing about viruses in general is that they don't have DNA, only RNA. In more complex organisms, DNA codes for RNA codes for protein. The extra step in transcribing packaged DNA to code as RNA acts as an error check. Lacking that error check makes it very likely for a virus to mutate -- double a string, omit a string, invert a string, or stick a string in the wrong place and you have a mutation. Most mutations are either useless or lethal to the virus but a tiny fraction of them make it suited to do something new -- "novel" -- and the only way for us to combat this is to, through some population acquiring the sickness, develop antibodies. Vaccines come after that, by killing the virus with antibodies or other agents, to produce inactive virus that can stimulate the production of more antibodies in newly-protected would-be hosts. This is also why there's a new flu vaccine every year -- that virus is also continually mutating. If you've ever been inclined to disregard Evolution as a mere "theory", here is an example that shows it in action, all around you, all the time.
Thanks Nate
Kurtzgesagt does a great job using graphics to explain concepts

BTW, another reason there's so much work being done to contain the Corona Virus is there are already sick and ill and injured people every day in our hospitals. Many of them have very bad flu, etc. When you have a pandemic that is not related to the flu - flu deaths will also rise as the strain on the health care system is overwhelming. You also get people dying or having chronic health issues for life or having their life threatened by injuries or illness that they usually could have survived or kicked.
This is different. The reason it's called a "novel" virus is because it's new and nobody has any born defense against it. It spreads rapidly, and incubates slowly. You could be an asymptomatic carrier already. You are very well advised to take it seriously and follow the advice of the CDC, the President, and your local government. When this all shakes out, hundreds of thousands to millions will die. This thing is no joke. Disregard it at not only your peril, but that of everybody you know and love. I'm 100% serious.

Yes I have taken this matter very serious as I thought about it for at least four minutes. I try to get at least seven hours of sleep every night with good nights about nine hours of sleep. My dog goes for a walk at least three miles every day including days I am cutting or splitting wood. Making sure my life issues are in order when I pass. Several doctors offer prescriptions deffinately not. I raced motorcycles from the age of elleven till now and still here. Nearly died of pneumonia in my teens survived numerous other close calls. Now some one would suggest I sit at home and worry. No do not think so. If I had a wife that wanted me to sit at home and worry no do not think so. Thanks
This is different. The reason it's called a "novel" virus is because it's new and nobody has any born defense against it. It spreads rapidly, and incubates slowly. You could be an asymptomatic carrier already. You are very well advised to take it seriously and follow the advice of the CDC, the President, and your local government. When this all shakes out, hundreds of thousands to millions will die. This thing is no joke. Disregard it at not only your peril, but that of everybody you know and love. I'm 100% serious.

Yes I have taken this matter very serious as I thought about it for at least four minutes. I try to get at least seven hours of sleep every night with good nights about nine hours of sleep. My dog goes for a walk at least three miles every day including days I am cutting or splitting wood. Making sure my life issues are in order when I pass. Several doctors offer prescriptions deffinately not. I raced motorcycles from the age of elleven till now and still here. Nearly died of pneumonia in my teens survived numerous other close calls. Now some one would suggest I sit at home and worry. No do not think so. If I had a wife that wanted me to sit at home and worry no do not think so. Thanks
Well I'm told we've had four bus drivers test positive. Cutting service 50% next week, but well see who shows up for work. At least 75 drivers have called in sick the last two days, most likely scared rather than sick and quarantining, I cannot blame them. A city 50 miles away cut its service completely off this week. I'm thinking my company is gonna wish it had too. Most of my riders (only two workers) are homeless that could care less about any virus. They are just scrounging for enough cans to buy a taco or burger day to day. Workmans comp phone numbers for those of us who get sick are posted, scary.
Now some one would suggest I sit at home and worry. No do not think so.

Ordinarily, I'd shrug and say "your loss". This is different. You are endangering everybody you come in contact with just by being among people, just as they are endangering you. It really is best to isolate and let this thing run its course. Hopefully there will be a vaccine in a year or two but until then please, please, listen to the measured experience of experts and not your gut or anybody else's.
That's the ship I was on. Jan 2000-Nov 2004. Fall 2003 we had an outbreak of gastroenteritis that crippled the ship; more than 2/3 of the crew were sick and nobody could man a watchbill. We couldn't operate the ship. We had to limp in to port. This coronavirus hasn't taken out as many people, but everybody recovered from norovirus gastroenteritis. I can feel the panic from here since I remember how quickly it spread and how everybody around me was sick and there was nowhere to hide. Oh, and the "essential crew" I can assure you will be mostly Reactor dept, so if I was there, no chance I'd be quarantined or isolated unless I tested positive. My navy friends and I are watching this story closely because it hits very close to home.
I wonder how this Covid compares to colds and flue through out the world and how many deaths occur every year which is not preventable, Then there is aids which is 100% preventable, alcohol and related deaths which is 100% preventable, opioids and the overdosing which is 100% preventable, smoking which is 100% preventable, obesity which is 100% preventable and there are many others. I do not hear about any of these issues in the news or do these things shut down the world or USA. Actually I do know the answer, but just wondering if any body else knows. Thanks
I wonder how this Covid compares to colds and flue through out the world and how many deaths occur every year which is not preventable, Then there is aids which is 100% preventable, alcohol and related deaths which is 100% preventable, opioids and the overdosing which is 100% preventable, smoking which is 100% preventable, obesity which is 100% preventable and there are many others. I do not hear about any of these issues in the news or do these things shut down the world or USA. Actually I do know the answer, but just wondering if any body else knows. Thanks
ted, this sort of stupidity is getting people killed, so if you dont mind STFU

Down playing a serious illness is asinine and childish, you dont believe in science, facts, or truth fine that's on you the rest of us would like for those at the most risk to not die.

for the record 100000 deaths... is about how many US soldiers we lost in WWI, this virus has the potential to kill more then that, simply because of belligerently ignorant ***** like yourself
Wow North you really do believe your own nonsense. Like I said people through out the world are dying, but as long as you do not see it in your neighbor hood much you are OK with it. OK how many people starved to death January, February, and March of 2020 which 100% preventable, but apparently no problem and what have you done about it? Thanks
Let us take a moment to discuss perspective. All of the maladies, mortalities, modalities, and morbidities you mention above are indeed real, so kudos to you for recognizing the obvious. Not everybody is so gifted. A hearty "cheers" all around. However, you seem bound and determined to take it personally that anybody would disagree with, much less call you out on, your opinion that COVID-19 is a bogus thing and blown out of proportion. I say again: ignore it not only at your peril, but the peril of those around you. If you care at all for your family, friends, neighbors, and/or community, please play along with this particular biased liberal media conspiracy and it'll be over soon enough.

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