Same. However, my hope is that his misfortune will serve to alert other leadership personnel to how grave the danger really is. I will pause to enjoy whatever schadenfreude comes our way only once the crisis is over.
The blame game has already started. And the schadenfreude is thick. Europeans are stunned at America's behaviour as well since there was so much time and information ahead of this. And, like America, thay want to blame China. Some are saying they hid it. But China didn't hide it - they TRIED to hide it. Doctors warned the World Health Organization in late December, supplying all the information they knew at the time, including it was a new strain of SARS-like Corona. They had only comfirmed it the last few days of December, two weeks after the first case - so the WHO were alarmed as soon as they knew. Now, after that, China did try to crack down on a few scientists and doctors. Which, of course, was reprehensible. So much so, they actually exonerated at least one Doctor. Wuhan is a huge industrial and commerce center with 11 million people off of a huge river called the Yagntze(which prolly sounds familiar to many of you).
Now, yes, both Corona's did come from China. So if you want to blame a country or a people, have at it. But you have to understand the why and the how. The how is because of Chinese expansion in to areas that were wild until only just recently. Chinese relaxation of family sizes in recent years also contributed to this human expansion. But, by far, the largest contributor is us. Turn your laptop over, your coffee mug, your TV, most of the stuff inside your car, much of your house, every day you will touch something that came from China. We are the 'why'. Capitalistic materialism and efficiency made this inevitable. Poorer countries with resources were always going to be exploited by the richer. Nearly all viruses, if not all, that have affected us came from human expansion in to the world.
We tried to blame Mexico for the swine flu. But there is plenty of genomic indication it began in China and was carried to North America and Central America. The swine influenza virus is common in pigs throughout the world. Same with most other flu's like bird flu, etc. Common in birds. Surprise. The nomenclature has always been an issue, tho. Officials try to call the viruses names that people will identify with. Afterall, 'there's a load of novel strain H1N1' going about means nothing to most people. So these pandemics get names like Spanish Flu(which likely started in the US due to our own expansion), Swine Flu(which is a combination of bird and pig origin), Hong Kong Flu, Asian Flu, etc etc. And add to this the fact that nearly every animal we come in close contact with has their own versions of flu. So, while most of these viruses do not affect us - we can still brew them inside our bodies until one mutates enough that it does affect us. Given that flu is RNA, it only has to mutate ever so slightly and pow - humans get a new virus.
There will be more. It's just when. We know the how and why.