Well my Stihl 291 got pinched out of my tool box, and as a result I'm in need of a new saw, and decided why not upgrade to something a bit bigger, now I use a 500i, 661C-M and an 880 at work and they're fantastic saws, but they're big, and considering what i use my personal saw/s for which I'd like you guys opinions, now I'm not a small bloke, I'm a strong 6'3 farmer, I'll be cutting mainly firewood, little clearing, trimming and what not around the farm, I'm in Australia so what I'm cutting is generally very dry, and/or very hard, such as red gum, red box, iron bark, I'll be using tungsten chains, and probably an 18"-20" bar usually, So i guess the question is what saw do you guys think i should be getting, I'm not opposed to getting another saw or two in a little if i do end up cranking up my firewood business, I'll also be wanting to take the saw camping with me when i go 4x4ing, but i can also look at a smaller saw for that purpose too if that would be more suited.