OK, OK, I at least need to keep them soft enough for my own pleasure...
I'm no rough rider... :hmm3grin2orange:
EWWWW! You didnt!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeff, QRST
OK, OK, I at least need to keep them soft enough for my own pleasure...
I'm no rough rider... :hmm3grin2orange:
i dont really like the way the chains are when they have been through the grinder i end up touching them up with a file. We just file them manually but i guess if you have alot of chains to do and alot of teeth like a long chain, a grinder might be a good idea then a few swipes with the file. my nieghbor bought one and id give him firewood to sharpen my chains ill bring em over if they are real bad (hit a rock or barbed wire ect.)
I'll show mine if you show yours....:biggrinbounce2: