Who's Got The Oldest Saw?

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I've got a '49 Mac 3-25 with the second fuel shut off above the rear grip, as well as (2) 1950 models without it.

They used to advertize it as a lightweight saw, suitable for all sorts of jobs...one photo ad showed a tree surgeon in a tree with one. Just imagine...3 hp, 25#, 5000 rpm, gear drive pulling 9/16" pitch scratcher chain on an 18-30" bar up in a tree...

Most arborists I know are either trim wiry guys, or they send the young, lean guys up in the tree. Took a real gorilla in those days!
eyolf said:
I've got a '49 Mac 3-25 with the second fuel shut off above the rear grip, as well as (2) 1950 models without it.

They used to advertize it as a lightweight saw, suitable for all sorts of jobs...one photo ad showed a tree surgeon in a tree with one. Just imagine...3 hp, 25#, 5000 rpm, gear drive pulling 9/16" pitch scratcher chain on an 18-30" bar up in a tree...

Most arborists I know are either trim wiry guys, or they send the young, lean guys up in the tree. Took a real gorilla in those days!

Dropping a 36" diameter Elm (in pieces) that was tucked in between my folks house and garage, I found myself standing in main crotch with my 1-52 with 18" bar it weighs in at at least 25 lbs. Man do I wish I had aquired my Homey 150's just alittle earlier.
I've heard storys of my Grandpa up in a dead elm with the Ole 1-43 and seen pictures of my dad topping an elm tree from atop a grain elevator.

Gosh Darn Dutch Elm Disease has 3 generations of Lutz's up in trees with the same Saw!
My one and only pleasure saw.... the Mall model 12a
It's in running condition, what a beast! :blob2:

introduced in 1951 (thanks Mike Acres) = http://www.acresinternet.com/cscc.n...de576b4467ddc48488256af500192833?OpenDocument


Not sure of the year (old) but I have a Remmington SL 5 (the beast). I can get photo's if someone wants to see the thing. There is also a Montgomery Ward (Homelite??) that is also in the antique status. I actually used it for a couple of years.


Macdaddy, this looks to me like an older Partner model configured to be a cutoff saw. I think an R11, or something like that, Mange knows more than I do on this one, but thats what I think it is.
I have an old homelite c7-g, according to mike ,they quit making them in 1964, don't know when they started.
MacDaddy said:
How about this saw
Yes this is the Partner R11 cut of saw.
On the outside of the starter is oil pump normally.
This is a Sweden made saw. Second model of Partner.