Paddy & mcdougal were walking down the road looking for work, on a fence was a sign saying " tree fellers wanted" paddy looks at mcdougal & says " geez! if mick was here we would have had that job!A timber faller is one who makes the tree fall or the timber fall. You don't make timber fell. Once its on the ground its no longer a tree its a log that needs to be bucked, skidded(skun if you prefer), loaded, hauled, graded, scaled, and bought. So saying one fell a tree on the ground in terms of logging is incorrect. Now if said person cutting the tree down is not a logger or timber faller then you can say they fell the tree on the ground because they have to deal with the entire tree like in an arborist or firewood scenario. So to re-cap: Timber faller- one who makes timber fall for the purpose of logging. Tree feller- one who cuts a tree down for whatever reason. The union person writing up definitions may have never cut a tree in their life. When you see a timber faller you will know the difference.