I have been very fortunate that since I started cutting at my friends place . my friend and I work well together he stays in his skid steer for the most part and I keep him busy moving logs and brush.
I do have to let him stop and warm up while I cool down , cutting on a 35 degree sunny day with no wind he is wearing several layers ,coveralls and mittens and I am down to a t-shirt.
my children on the other hand I swear it takes more time to get them to do anything than if I just did it myself and I am just worn out with them.
my youngest 12 failed to do her job taking care of washing laundry this week and so when I realized at 11:30 pm I wasn't going to have a towel for a morning shower rather than just run a load myself I woke her up and had her collect up dirty towels and start a load , she hated me but she has to learn also. seriously 5-10 minutes twice a day any time that works for her is all I am asking I don't even require towels to be folded just in a basket near the bathroom.
as much as it takes more time and is painful I am trying to educate the kids and get them to work. it must be working some because their teachers keep telling us how they have such a great work ethic , I feel sorry for society if the half time, half speed, half effort is good work ethic for 2017. maybe they are different kids at school they do have good grades and complain that on group projects they are the only ones working , but I would like to see more work ethic at home.
my oldest is a strait A student and I really see her work on all things school and she is my best chore finisher I ask she groans but she does it.
the other two have good grades.
my two girls want nothing to do with cutting or stacking wood the youngest gets drug out to help stack in the shed , my son is better but needs to be drug from in front of the computer.
my son is 13 and been splitting since he was about 10 even if it sometimes feels like he splits in slow motion at least he is doing it when I tell him it is time and take him out to cut and split.
it is just very tiring to get three teens to do their chores.
I am sure it is very difficult to get "adult children" to work (people who got older but never left their teen brain behind) I hear your frustrations.
I have an uncle who hires for a foundry and forge , he will not hire anyone under 25 unless he knows their prior employer and they come well recommended.
my wife tells me I have to stop reminding her that I was living on my own going to tech school and working 7 days a week at 17.
my wife bought me a t-shirt at walmart the other day for my frustrations.