Why they left???

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Why did they leave? I was thinking it was cause of X. Is my concept of him being an angry dark jealous and fearful man off base?
Another concept I had was because some people realized they were not actually God and that didn't sit well with them.
I have no idea why Vet ever said to get the ass pounding you ******* gave him. I can see a guy like him having no time for the idiotic statements that come out of the heads of some of the guys here.
One of the first conversations I had with Murph went something like this:
Murph: there was a time when we would run guys off the site for not being real tree guys
The Dan: uhh...

Me? Well I think yer all nuts so there. Nah, I doubt I would actually want to be seen in public with any of you. Really, what is it with you people? Wait! You don't have to answer, I know, I know. Whar's mah boolit?
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It's a much larger site than it was at the beginning. Back in the old days it seemed like just a few climbers sitting around chatting. Now the chainsaw forum is the biggest attraction. Lots more HO's and hobbiests on here now. Not that that is such a bad thing. Moss is a hobbyist and I have learned plenty from him. I lurked for a long time (years) and didn't even post. It was because I had an accident on the job and got out of it for a couple of years. I still take breaks from participating. Sometimes I won't visit for months at a time, sometimes I lurk and sometimes I choose to participate. Who knows why people leave and who gives a rats ass.
So I was reading that article about the dynamics of an argument in my latest edition of Psychology Today and it was pretty interesting. Anyone else get that magazine? I don't agree with everything in it.
Anyway it showed how easy it is for a discussion to rapidly become a heated argument. Really, its no brain surgery, its pretty obvious how and why but they outlined the proceedings pretty accurately I think. They showed how one question, one statement, one vocalized thought actually contains about 16 different arguments and how easy and quick it can be to get off the original topic and go into... well... a full blown riot.
Its true, nobody really knows anything though. Not Psychology Today, not Dan Murphy, not Lxt, not me. Well, I do know something but i wish I didn't. I really do, I would love a labotomy. How about a round for everybody?
I am going to finish that article and see if I can either post it here or put up a link to it. I think its something you all should read but I am sure it will go to your heads and you will get all uppity and try to hold it over someone else like for some strange reason you were made the judge and jury. I do that sometimes myself.
I have to say would like to get into a discussion and not end up having to defend my life. Not to be tested on every word. Not to be judged at every pause. Its tough not to do as there was a time where one's life did depend on it long ago. Now, it just because the other guy's penis is bigger... well , it just seems bigger.
So I was reading that article about the dynamics of an argument in my latest edition of Psychology Today and it was pretty interesting. Anyone else get that magazine? I don't agree with everything in it.
Anyway it showed how easy it is for a discussion to rapidly become a heated argument. Really, its no brain surgery, its pretty obvious how and why but they outlined the proceedings pretty accurately I think. They showed how one question, one statement, one vocalized thought actually contains about 16 different arguments and how easy and quick it can be to get off the original topic and go into... well... a full blown riot.
Its true, nobody really knows anything though. Not Psychology Today, not Dan Murphy, not Lxt, not me. Well, I do know something but i wish I didn't. I really do, I would love a labotomy. How about a round for everybody?
I am going to finish that article and see if I can either post it here or put up a link to it. I think its something you all should read but I am sure it will go to your heads and you will get all uppity and try to hold it over someone else like for some strange reason you were made the judge and jury. I do that sometimes myself.
I have to say would like to get into a discussion and not end up having to defend my life. Not to be tested on every word. Not to be judged at every pause. Its tough not to do as there was a time where one's life did depend on it long ago. Now, it just because the other guy's penis is bigger... well , it just seems bigger.

Trying to do the "like" thing lately, so Dan you get one for this insightful piece.
The answer

Make MDS and Oldirty mods... all the vets would come back just to watch the carnage... of course I may miss it since I may be on MDS and OD's short list of early hatchet jobs.
Make MDS and Oldirty mods... all the vets would come back just to watch the carnage... of course I may miss it since I may be on MDS and OD's short list of early hatchet jobs.

You're such a cry baby, StihlO.

There....action in the act.

Well, to tell the truth, on the nights I am not checking in and at least reading threads I am usually out being a bad boy... On the nights I am checking in I am keeping my mind on my business and doing good. I do a lot more web surfing than bar cruising these days which is a good thing. ;)
StihlO, you ask for it, and quit your crying. Just because you learned how to put on spikes, and haul up the chainy saw doesn't mean I'm suddenly here with a bottle of windex and a rag going from cheek to cheek.

I was impressed with how you guys took down that leader though. I don't think anyone here imagined it could be swung around like that. But I bet you don't care about that, do you? You wanna cry about FTA instead. Well, here's an imaginary, wittle tissue. Go ahead, old son. Sob on. Don't hold back. There there, wittle soldier. The bad guys on da wittle internet danm near took yer wittle head off, and it just sucks.

:msp_tongue: So, got any more big trees coming up???
StihlO, you ask for it, and quit your crying. Just because you learned how to put on spikes, and haul up the chainy saw doesn't mean I'm suddenly here with a bottle of windex and a rag going from cheek to cheek.

I was impressed with how you guys took down that leader though. I don't think anyone here imagined it could be swung around like that. But I bet you don't care about that, do you? You wanna cry about FTA instead. Well, here's an imaginary, wittle tissue. Go ahead, old son. Sob on. Don't hold back. There there, wittle soldier. The bad guys on da wittle internet danm near took yer wittle head off, and it just sucks.

:msp_tongue: So, got any more big trees coming up???

Plenty actually.. but honestly dude I told you before I will not converse with you any longer... But I am breaking that promise to point out again that you have never posted one stitch of evidence that you ever climbed or cut anything. I may only post here and there when I do something worth putting up (plenty of people in here doing far more technical and dangerous stuff) so I dont bother with my easy little trees... But you your nothing but BS. I would bet a months wages (mine because you dont make enough) that I could climb and cut circles around you. By the way I am sure plenty of people here thought it could be swung like that but they are called real tree guys.


Pierdol sie

and back to muting FTA
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Plenty actually.. but honestly dude I told you before I will not converse with you any longer... But I am breaking that promise to point out again that you have never posted one stitch of evidence that you ever climbed or cut anything. I may only post here and there when I do something worth putting up (plenty of people in here doing far more technical and dangerous stuff so I dont bother with my easy little trees... But you your nothing but BS. I would bet a months wages (mine because you dont make enough) that I could climb and cut circles around you. By the way I am sure plenty of people here thought it could be swung like that but they are called real tree guys.


Pierdol sie

and back to muting FTA

Well said, my officer tree friend. Well said. :hmm3grin2orange:

....and no, my friend, nobody cuts faster than I.
Maybe just maybe some of the older members are still around and post under different names, not that i would know or anything like that, just a thought.
I am responsible for some of the action lately, soory bruders, couldn't help it. Hope fully that is done and over with. You have personalities here that normally don't mix. Thin skinned types get offended easily and the thick skinned keep poring it on. I get on here for one main reason, to talk to others who feel my pain. Cant talk to my family and friends (local friends, I have a few on here I consider good friends) about my day to day, as they have deer in the headlight look when I start talking rigging or pruning! I believe that some are still here, just waiting for us Jr's to take out the trash. Soon as that is finally done, I am sure they will come back, little birdie been talking again.
Make MDS and Oldirty mods... all the vets would come back just to watch the carnage... of course I may miss it since I may be on MDS and OD's short list of early hatchet jobs.

No thanks on that job! Lol.. definitely not interested!

For what its worth though, I would probably keep your fat ass (kicking) around... FTA, I would probably just limit to five words a day or so, and the other one.. well, that would be that for him!!

Oh, and I might ban LXT, that dude just scares me!! :msp_scared:
It's all cyclical really. Folks come and go...for the most part.

But when you let the likes of AA and such just dominate the boards unchecked and unfiltered.....

Yeah, there might be a frenzy for a spell, but eventually quality people will just go elsewhere. They realize it's hopeless to struggle to save any integrity...I've watched many forums go to pot for the same reasons.

When you do nothing about the riff raff, eventually that's all you'll have left to cater to.

It's sad to see a professional forum within such a noble industry be littered with what we've seen lately. Why not go where this kind of thing isn't tolerated?

Many say...well it's fun to read. It's a lot more fun to read and participate when the level of professionalism isn't brought down to the lowest common denominator. There is still plenty of good banter....in fact, within its scope, it's of the highest quality.

I've been busy, but I've lurked and posted much less since somebody forgot to take out the trash. If it weren't for a few of you guys still fighting the good fight....I wouldn't bother with it at all.

Still, there is hope, but there needs to be some action taken, now and in the future to warrant it.
Why did they leave? I was thinking it was cause of X. Is my concept of him being an angry dark jealous and fearful man off base?

Another concept I had was because some people realized they were not actually God

One of the first conversations I had with Murph went something like this:
Murph: there was a time when we would run guys off the site for not being real tree guys
The Dan: uhh...

Me? Well I think yer all nuts so there. Nah, I doubt I would actually want to be seen in public with any of you. Really, what is it with you people? Wait! You don't have to answer, I know, I know. Whar's mah boolit?

I dont know why I bother to even reply to you?.........Angry? Nah....dark?...in the summer months.....jealous & fearful?......LOL maybe you forgot that I had open heart surgery last May? Jealous...........nope & fearful..... of only GOD!

Danno, you talk a fine talk...........& thats just about all you do! no one knows what yer saying, but ya keep talking...no wonder that post count is so high!

Now Im gonna leave the rest of what I would like to reply to you with on the back burner cause it would only get me banned, when it comes to you....... well, I did start this thread, so ill have to be one to show change by not verbally blasting the #### outta ya!

Did ya ever stop & think Murph might of been refering to you in that statement above???

Well I don't often get in to the bickering I get enough else where but I have been many places in my life and worked with many different types of personalities and I know this, some guys just like to stir the s, some guys like to take a beating, some are very direct which can seem harsh, and some well who knows. I come here mostly for entertainment and sometimes to ask a question or see how someone else does things. On this site there are guys who are like the guy on the cb at a truck stop who is starting problems with everyone that drives by because he knows no one can locate him and he finds it fun, so you turn off the cb. Some know everthing about nothing and have been everywhere and done everything with no proof of being anywhere or doing anything. There is some good stuff on here and some good people also some really funny stuff so take what you want and leave the rest. Folks will come and go some should come back and some should leave and stay gone. This is a public forum and and it is pretty clear some people were not spanked enough as a kid I'm just sayin:dizzy: Why can't we all just get along?
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