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Terry, We have never talked but I feel compelled to respond to your post.

I won't go into details, about the health merry go-round that I have been on for months.
My Doctor decided to have me try Cymbalta.
After just 2 pills, I stopped them. Took 1 on Tuesday, another on Wednesday and stopped. Wow, did not like the feeling that med gives you.
Spent Christmas and Friday trying to think straight. Never cleared up till Saturday. I can see where it would be very hard to get out of your system.
Just don't let it control you, you have to control it.
I have never tried recreational drugs so I don't know what they are like. I will say that where Cymbalta takes your mind is not normal.

I will have a "talk" with my Doctor tomorrow. My first question will be was he aware of it power.
Lyme has been the bane of my family's existence for 18 years. My wife and daughter got it first, and my son was likely born with it. I've had it several times but caught it fast each time. So many family trips up to New Haven to see a top rate pediatric lyme specialist - these are part of our family history as much as vacations it seems. Not just lyme either, but bartonella and babesia too. My wife and 20yo daughter have it chronically, but my son has somehow beaten it.

We treat it routinely with samento and banderol drops, but are looking at other treatments as my daughter still has major flare ups, especially when stressed (like finals, etc.). The dogs get samento drops when they get it too.

Modern medicine is very good at repairing injury, due to all that has been learned from combat and auto injuries - I am alive thanks to those skills. They are not so good at promoting health, primarily due to a focus on curing things with one drug, the influence of big money, combined with the appaling state of people's health due to our chemical intake and what passes for food. Of course, as in so many things the particular Dr. you get makes the most difference, and I have known some that are very good. You must always be your own advocate though, and work from a position of knowledge.

Our experience with lyme disease and the damage that was done to our son by vaccinations & mercury poisoning have forever changed my opinion of medicine and science. Keep an open mind about natural healing - often the people involved have backgrounds that will be off-putting to some, and of course there are cranks too (as everywhere). Still, I've read articles lately about the present debates over so-called "dark matter", which may make up 80% of the mass of the universe and about which we know almost nothing. This means that modern science knows a fair amount about 20% of the universe - remember that when you're told we understand everything, and try to keep and open mind.
Mary and I did that. Zero results. We also did the gloucosamin chondrinton She has 2 new hips and a new knee. I have one new hip and need another. Being a mechanic you and I both know when things are mechanically worn out the only way to fix it is to replace or resurface the worn areas. The chemicals did not work for us. We needed a mechanical intervention. The short term results have been very good. Long term is a crap shoot.
He's trying Cherry juice for gout, your situation is much different. Cherry's do help gout, especially tart cherry.
Anybody tried organic cider apple vineger, not the crap stuff but the proper stuff - unpasteurised unfiltered and organic, its supposed to be good for so many things, a teaspoon in water with unpasteurised unfiltered (not massed produced chinese filth) honey and maybe lemon

Yes, I use it when I have a sore throat. I kind if like the vinegar taste so I mix it rich with 2 table spoons of vinegar, a table spoon of organic Manuka honey and a tea spoon of lemon juice. All of that mixed in a large mug of echinacea tea. The vinegar take the sting away and the honey coats the throat and makes it last. Echinacea helps boost the immune system and has been used for centuries long before modern medicine. Read here: http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/herb/echinacea

I will echo what another member said about taking combinations of herbs, it can be just as dangerous or more if you take the wrong combination or the wrong quantities or for the wrong duration. I strongly suggest you get informed before taking ANY natural supplements. The internet is useful in a pinch but I always turn to my books when they are available. I highly recommend you get your hands on the latest revision of Prescription for Nutritional Healing. It has descriptions for every herb, mineral and supplement you can imagine. It tells you the quantities you should take and any special considerations and possible side effects. It has recommendations for treating Lyme disease which includes herbal supplements and special dietary needs. Please buy one ASAP and become informed and take back your health. http://www.amazon.com/Prescription-Nutritional-Healing-Fifth-Edition/dp/1583334009

Best if luck to you Terry
One thing you don't want to do and that is colchicine and apple cider vinegar in the same day.thats if you dont want to spend most of the day glued to the pot.vinegar does work my mom has gout too and the vinegar does take away the pain enough to be bearable.i will be going to a health food store before long to look for the raw stuff along with some raw honey.
Start reading into Munuka honey.
Start reading into Munuka honey.
And whatever you do make sure the honey you buy is local not imported or shipped from somewhere else, All of the best benefits from honey come from the local plant pollen, Helps to ease your allergies significantly if you regularly eat the local honey. Honey is an amazing thing, So go for you yet so bad for you all at once especially if you have blood sugar problems as much of my family does.
And whatever you do make sure the honey you buy is local not imported or shipped from somewhere else, All of the best benefits from honey come from the local plant pollen, Helps to ease your allergies significantly if you regularly eat the local honey. Honey is an amazing thing, So go for you yet so bad for you all at once especially if you have blood sugar problems as much of my family does.
I agree, but the Munuka honey is not local it only come from outside the USA I believe. It has better health benefits than locally grown honey. But if you still want the benefits of your local honey then just get local bee pollen and take a tea spoon of that daily.
I have heard of it before never used it at all though. I wish it would have quoted the quote in that too, Lol i meant to add in addition to what you said not as a deterrent sorry for that. The biggest problem in the states is that they pasteurize most honey anymore to rid it of botulism and other pathogens that can be contained in the honey. Unfortunately in this process you practically destroy the honey, Its a beautiful color after it is extracted from the combs though you may think twice about eating honey after that for reasons i wont go into. I will definitely Look into Munuka honey more i believe my aunt uses this stuff shes kind of a health nut. What i do know is that it come only from new zealand from a bush that it is named after. (Thank you national geographic channel for that.) i Love me some educational tv
I have heard of it before never used it at all though. I wish it would have quoted the quote in that too, Lol i meant to add in addition to what you said not as a deterrent sorry for that. The biggest problem in the states is that they pasteurize most honey anymore to rid it of botulism and other pathogens that can be contained in the honey. Unfortunately in this process you practically destroy the honey, Its a beautiful color after it is extracted from the combs though you may think twice about eating honey after that for reasons i wont go into. I will definitely Look into Munuka honey more i believe my aunt uses this stuff shes kind of a health nut. What i do know is that it come only from new zealand from a bush that it is named after. (Thank you national geographic channel for that.) i Love me some educational tv

You'r fine, I wasnt taking it like that. I believe you are right about the origin, I wasnt sure and didnt want to guess. It is raw and unprocessed though. In general, I cant imagine people would eat a whole lot of honey unless they have their own hives, the stuff isnt cheap. I was thinking if you had to choose between the two the Munuka has better benefits overall. You can still get the benefits from your local bees by eating bee pollen but, bee careful with that stuff because it will clean ya out if you take too much of it at once. Its one of those things you need to work up to over time if you know what I mean. Anyone interested in learning about natural healing I highly recommend that Perscription for Nutritional Healing book.
He's trying Cherry juice for gout, your situation is much different. Cherry's do help gout, especially tart cherry.
Tart cherry is very beneficial to gout, or even just regular cherries eat a bag when they are available and you wont have a flare up for awhile. But as i battled with getting my gout under control a few years ago ill give some of my insight on what seems to be the best for me. When i first got diagnosed with having gout at the ripe old age of 21 i was kind of shocked, i asked the doctor isn't this a disease for old fat guys, and he told me no. so i asked what i can do. He said eat healthy, drink lots of water, and get lots of exercise. in addition to eat food low in purines(do a google search and you will get a lit of purine rich foods) And only eat the items high in purines in moderation. Well i didnt heed his advice and i continued to eat like a teenager. Well after my first 3 week long flare up i had enough. I went in and asked to treat it with colchasine as i have an uncle with gout and already knew which medicines i would and wouldn't take. So after i kept having flareups and took a lot of colchasine i saw the light and immediately changed my ways, i used to walk 10 miles a day at work and did that for several years, and during that time i had maybe 2 or 3 flareups which usually followed a night of heavy drinking(high purines). Now i haven't had another in almost 3 years from a healthy diet and exercise. I cant emphasize enough how much that helps, Ill be with gout the rest of my life and i turn 30 this next august got to have that in check or it will run my life. Employers don't tend to understand what gout is and how it affects your body, and generally don't accept it as an excuse to call in. If you have questions about Gout feel free to ask i feel im pretty knowledgeable on that topic, I like to do my research on stuff especially when it personally affects my health.
You'r fine, I wasnt taking it like that. I believe you are right about the origin, I wasnt sure and didnt want to guess. It is raw and unprocessed though. In general, I cant imagine people would eat a whole lot of honey unless they have their own hives, the stuff isnt cheap. I was thinking if you had to choose between the two the Munuka has better benefits overall. You can still get the benefits from your local bees by eating bee pollen but, bee careful with that stuff because it will clean ya out if you take too much of it at once. Its one of those things you need to work up to over time if you know what I mean. Anyone interested in learning about natural healing I highly recommend that Perscription for Nutritional Healing book.
If you buy local from the roadside guys generally you can get a decent deal, especially if it is direct from the producer. Ask them if they will give a deal for buying mutiple jars as honey does not go bad it just crystallizes on the walls of the jar. You can simply remelt the crystalized honey in the jar by putting it in a pan of hot water with the lid off please it could explode from the pressure build up inside the jar.
We used to sell honey out of the warehouse for 8$ a qt. And we had a guy that would come in and buy a 50 gallon barrel once a year to rebottle and sell as his own for 10$ a qt. We sold raw honey directly to suebee for 1200$ a 55 gallon drum, the drums weighed like 800 lbs a pieces. Nothing like fresh honey right out of the barrel still warm from extraction.
yikes! I wish him well with that, hope it works. I should try it myself again it might make my hands feel better, it sure can't hurt anything.
I still have some tart cherry juice concentrate in the fridge. Being in northern michigan makes it easy to get. Traverse city is only a short drive.
I'm dealing with gout in my feet & it works, as does lemon juice, ginger root and most of the stuff mentioned in this thread. Best we all can do is make the body more alkaline and less acid.
It would have to likely be tart cherry juice Randy, I use it for gout as the medicines for gout have some nasty long term side effects. And short term can't get far from a toilet, try the tart cherry extract if you can find it, much better than having to drink a bunch of really sour cherry juice.
It's in pills now. I was having gout at least once a month not eating red meat or drinking any alcohol. I can eat about anything I want including shrimp and wash it down with beer while taking them.
I'm dealing with gout in my feet & it works, as does lemon juice, ginger root and most of the stuff mentioned in this thread. Best we all can do is make the body more alkaline and less acid.
I'm going to have to try that. I don't have too much trouble if I stay away from beer,:( but it still sometimes surprises me.
I take 4000mg of vitamin c every day, drink apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and ginger root in the steak marinade....been some time since I was under the weather.

I agree with what Don said, being on the opposite side of acidic will kill most virus, bacteria doesn't survive well and general health will be better over-all.
I take 4000mg of vitamin c every day, drink apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and ginger root in the steak marinade....been some time since I was under the weather.

I agree with what Don said, being on the opposite side of acidic will kill most virus, bacteria doesn't survive well and general health will be better over-all.
All the items listed you take are acidic. I wonder how that makes the body more alkaline?