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#22 radiation treatment down. 13 to go. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile & who love you no matter what. Today I am thankful for my cousin Kim... She is mischievous, talkative just like me & also is a reminder that it's okay to keep your inner child alive. I have always enjoyed that about her. She is so fun to be around. We could do anything together & it would probably make for a crazy awesome time. Hearing her laugh touches my heart every time. She is like a sister; she brightens up my life, when I reach out, she will always respond. She understands, cares & supports me. I'm thankful for her & she is thankful for me! I love her very much! Anything you want to share, please do! As always thanks for being in my life!
This is yesterday's! #23 radiation treatment down. 12 to go. God has taught me that I am better everyday in everyway. It's my blessing to remember that, then I try to pay it forward... with a positive attitude of gratitude. Today I am thankful for West Sparta Church of Christ(my home town church when I was a little girl)... I was taught, encouraged, challenged, protected & loved at that church. The pastor, my Sunday school teachers, church bus driver, youth group & even the little old ladies- they all played a part in my spiritual growth. I learned the books of the Bible & all it's stories, I learned life lessons & sung beautiful songs that I'll never forget. I have received a card every other day during my treatments from members of the church. Some I remember, some I don't, some I have met, some I have not. They make me feel like everything is going to be okay. They stand beside me & say "You'll get through this". They believe in me, trust the Lord has a plan for my life & doesn't let me forget that. The church helped make me who I am today. Anything to share, please do! As always thanks for being in my life!
This is yesterday's! #23 radiation treatment down. 12 to go. God has taught me that I am better everyday in everyway. It's my blessing to remember that, then I try to pay it forward... with a positive attitude of gratitude. Today I am thankful for West Sparta Church of Christ(my home town church when I was a little girl)... I was taught, encouraged, challenged, protected & loved at that church. The pastor, my Sunday school teachers, church bus driver, youth group & even the little old ladies- they all played a part in my spiritual growth. I learned the books of the Bible & all it's stories, I learned life lessons & sung beautiful songs that I'll never forget. I have received a card every other day during my treatments from members of the church. Some I remember, some I don't, some I have met, some I have not. They make me feel like everything is going to be okay. They stand beside me & say "You'll get through this". They believe in me, trust the Lord has a plan for my life & doesn't let me forget that. The church helped make me who I am today. Anything to share, please do! As always thanks for being in my life!

Thanks Anne
Thanks for sharing your story with me and everyone else. Just been following your story and Husband's story since joining arborists site. I have learned so much from you and your words. How touching they are to me, it makes me feel special to know you and your Terry, although we have never met. The words your write touch my heart and make some of the best teaching for my soul, and I go to church every week not like its my first time for this. I hope you don't mind but it make me feel like family. Always praying for the best and May God Bless.
#24 radiation treatment down. 11 to go. A familiar voice will not be heard & a chair at the table will remain vacant because they have someone far from home serving our country. A pause to appreciate freedom & those who make it possible. Today I am thankful for Our Troops... Brave men, brave women, risks their life, save a friend, save a nation, leaving love ones behind, follows orders, stares death in the face, never blinks, biggest fear, who fights, the taste of freedom. I pray for our troops, for their safety, to keep their marriages & families intact & to heal all emotional & physical wounds they carry. It's a huge sacrifice to give up your life for your country. To leave behind friends & family to be a part of something bigger than yourself. To keep us free & to ensure that we have this nation to call our own. I'm so proud & thankful to be an American. Today, I salute you all for paying the price to protect my life. Anything to share, please do! As always thanks for being in my life!
Ann I have tried to follow daily Today I am thankful for My two adult children, son 21 daughter 20 and a 15 year old daughter even when they are being ignorant. The blessing Lately has been My son telling my wife he wished he would have listened more. Ann and Terry Stay strong and continue to look forward.:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
Today I am thankful for the illness that changed my life.

Being so sick that I was sure my life was ending made me realize that the truly important things were right here at home.

A few years ago I was very sick. In an act of boredom I decided to see if I could repair a Stihl 028 that I had smashed with a tree. While searching for parts, I found ArboristSite.

After a year of treatment I was very weak, and couldn't go back to building houses, but I could sit at the bench and work on a saw.

I'm feeling very good today, and could go back into the construction business, but I'd rather work on chainsaws at home than travel all over the place building homes for strangers.

I went to my first GTG while I was taking those treatments. I couldn't stay too long, I was weak, and it didn't take much too get me down. It was really hot that day, a storm rolled thru, and a grill caught fire, at Terry and Anne's place...........
Today I am thankful for the illness that changed my life.

Being so sick that I was sure my life was ending made me realize that the truly important things were right here at home.

A few years ago I was very sick. In an act of boredom I decided to see if I could repair a Stihl 028 that I had smashed with a tree. While searching for parts, I found ArboristSite.

After a year of treatment I was very weak, and couldn't go back to building houses, but I could sit at the bench and work on a saw.

I'm feeling very good today, and could go back into the construction business, but I'd rather work on chainsaws at home than travel all over the place building homes for strangers.

I went to my first GTG while I was taking those treatments. I couldn't stay too long, I was weak, and it didn't take much too get me down. It was really hot that day, a storm rolled thru, and a grill caught fire, at Terry and Anne's place...........
I have to say the same, there are several parallels to our stories, I too some 16 years ago (due to @ that time a yet un-diagnosed illness for 5 years) was given 30-60 days to live....
I Was sent home from the Hospital with no answers for why my bodily functions were shutting down and was in so much pain in my spine/neck/back,
My older sister was helping take care of me in Houston, I had 2 kids @ home (Orange County) I was raising by myself and my oldest nephews family (tree business freaks) helped in getting them fed and to school while I was trying to get diagnosed/treated.
One day soon after I was released from the hospital 1998 a customer at My Sis & BIL's business near Houston came in the shop office and after hearing my story, (her name is Mrs. Haines) She laid hands on me & Prayed on me. During the prayer she began to speak in tongues (being Catholic I was a bit freaked out by all of this stuff but it was all good) She invited us to come to her Church that Sunday and we went and the whole congregation prayed on me. after church we went to dinner. You can say what you want but in my heart I belive God gave her the ability to describe my illness because when I asked her what she was saying she just smiled and said Mr Powell, God said it's not time for you to die yet and she literally described my Illness to the T but didn't have a name for it, then my little set of healing miracles began to happen.
Still having pain but my mobility began to improve slightly, I was ab le to go back to work, and write reports for the Engineering/reliability/inspection group.
I was asked to attend A company safety seminar @ Our home office in NOLA, That was where I am from, while there I attended Holy Mass in my Home Church, (Another Miracle) When walking in the Pastor Priest whom I had never met before was walking in the doors @ the same time I was shuffling along all stooped over and crooked,,,, and he opened the door for me. He looked at me and said My Son, You have a need, What is it???
I will never forget this, He propped the door open with his foot, Pulled out a small jar of Holy oil and anointed me in the doorway of the church.

After I got home the next week I made a religious retreat weekend, the following week out of the blue My Dr.s office called and told me to come in for consultation, The Dr. Told me he didnt know what I had but he told me to go see a specialist in the Houston Medical center, two weeks later I had a diagnosis.

I too found this place looking for parts and tips on fixing a broken Stihl 460 but that was 6 years into my recovery,,, and I'm sthl Fixing saws for Nephew and a few other tree freak families in my hood

Great family Here, I love the way we pull together when a brother or sister gets down, I too remember a storm @ Terry;s and Anne's place in Oliver Springs, Lightning was popping all over the place &The Wind almost blew us Away,,, Then Stumpy blew the Porta-john Up,,,, And my 372XP saw finished 4th, then I built an MS460 for the next GTG and it finished 3rd, And that is where I met you Randy!!!

I too am thankful for my many gifts/sufferings and blessings,,,

God is good all the time!!!! All the time God is good!!!
Anne your testimonial to the military is right on. I have a 90 year old Uncle who spent almost if not 30 years in the Army, starting in WW2 and another Uncle that is in his 90 and served in WW2 that I have lot of respect for. Mastermind and RiverRat2's testimonials are inspiring to say the least.
I am sure we all have stories as to how God has done wonders in our lives. Some better than others. Mine is that I had a heart attach last October 24th at 10:30 at night, my wife had a chemo treatment the next day at 11 AM. She was asleep when it struck. I woke her, told her what was going on and that I was going to the hospital 13 miles away. She said no, that I should call someone to drive me. I told here everyone was in the bed and I would drive myself and call when I got there to let her know that I made it.
The next day they sent me to Tupelo hospital. They did a heart cath and inserted one stent. The Dr. told my wife that the artery was 100% blocked, but my heart had built a bypass around the blockage, if it had not I would be dead. He told her that he had never seen that, but since then I have heard of it in other people.
I tell people that the good news was that God hot wired me to keep me alive, the bad news is that he did not promise to do it again, so I guess it is up to me to avoid another one. Tom
This one is for today & I won't be doing another one until I go back on Wednesday cause they have stopped the treatments due to the conditions that I'm in. The Dr. will check me on Wednesday & then make the call to proceed with the treatments or not. I am completely done with the 5 week complete pelvic radiation treatments as of today! :clap: #25 radiation treatment down. 10 to go. There are many instances in this journey we call life that darkness befalls the heart & soul of the journey man or woman. In those times, a light is needed so that you are able to see the path ahead. Today I am thankful for The Gift of Life... I think most people who have been through some kind of life-altering event, like cancer, the kind that truly rocks you to the very core, come out of the experience with a changed perspective on life. I've spent many, many nights in the dark staring into the deepest parts of myself, coming face to face with death, life, & my deepest self. I am challenged to live a life worth living, to look at life as being apart of me & not myself as being part of life, to seek the smaller things in life & appreciate them, not over look them as if they had no value. Life is too short & precious to be wasted. My whole life has been transformed. I wake up each morning & am thankful I have one more day to create a beautiful memory, & take on a new challenge. Each day is a gift; tomorrow is not a guarantee just today. Regardless of what last week or even yesterday was. We get to make amend, start afresh today. Life is like a story, it has an ending... Anything to share, please do! As always thanks for being in my life!
The quote "there's nothing to fear other than fear itself" holds true for the most part. Fear feeds a soul. It either gives us courage to continue to push forward or hinders our ability to hold on. To say that a person doesn't have fear would be wrong. I grew up in constant fear. It took some real life altering moments for me to understand the importance it. Fear will allow you to remember that you're still alive. Fear will help you fight through the darkest of times. The Rhinoceros is a great example of fear pushing forward. They don't have the ability to walk backwards. When in a fight they only know 1 thing. They lowered their heads and push forward. For better or worse they're moving forward. Anne I could never understand the struggles that have come from the illness and the fear it's put in you and your families hearts. But I understand what fear is. Push forward and make that fear work for you. Never let it work against you. You've made it this far. You're a strong woman. I've got faith and a tall glass of sweet tea that says that you're going to kick this illness in the ass.

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headed to the dr this morning to see just how long she is going to be postponed on her treatment. she is burned and blistered very badly right now so it may be put off a week or two before the last two weeks gets done.