monday after work i was driving around town looking for something to do and saw throught the trees someone up in a bucket lopping the top out of about a 40 inch elm with a poulan wild thing. At first being from a distance i thought nooo it cant be. looking at the bright green shinning through the trees . so i drove on over and sure enough. there he was. whackin away at the tree. and the ground guys were below cutting it up with what looked to be twin poulan wild things. i kept on driving past about once every half hour to see there progress. after they got into about 25 inch wood or so they started looking a bit stressed .. And not long after that they gave up and left it and the trees been sitting there for like 3 days now. i have no idea who the guys were even. didnt look like anyone from a local service. 3 guys and a bucket truck i geuss *lol . its pretty sad how the tree looks now. its all toped out . and there intentions im pretty sure were to take it down seeing as they kind of just stopped in the middle of things. some peoples kids