Wind chill factor!!!!!! STOOPID

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Jul 17, 2005
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I have had it up to here with this term "windchill" and why you may ask.... I will tell ya!

If it is minus 5c and the wind is 25 mph they say it FEELS like -31c .
they also have figured how skin reacts ect but me problem is not with this measurement as a young mom would benifit from this number and dress there child properly to it.

It is the people that think this is the actual temp and will say it is minus 45c outside and in fact it is minus 10c .
I have a car that will start in minus 10c no problem even if the windchill says minus 30c it will start but at minus 30c it will not start .
I'd think here in Minnesota most people would would understand wind chill (and now the summer 'heat index') but it's amazing even some newscasters are totally clueless.

Wind chill measures the RATE of heat loss, not the actual final temperature. i.e. standing outside in still air, the body or car or house would lose a certain number of BTU in a certain time. Pick some (all fictitious) numbers: 100 btu in 60 seconds at 30 degrees F. The same temperature, with 30 mph wind, the object may lose 150 btu in the same 60 seconds. Wind chill is the temperature that it would lose the same 100 btu in 60 seconds. Maybe at say 10F and still air it would lose 100 btu/60 seconds. Voila, 30F, 30 wind, is called 10F wind chill.

However, the FINAL temperature is still 30F. The object simply cools down much faster, then tapers out to 30F. Unless there is evaporative cooling or something else, final is 30F, whether acheived in minutes or hours. A car does NOT start harder at deep windchills, it just gets cooled down faster. However, it sure seems that way, when I am out there trying to get things going.

Wind chill is very helpful to know how to dress, what to do with livestock, and generally how nasty it will be for living critters have to live or work outside.

speaking of which, right now sunday morning is 30F and light mist here. By tonight, expecting -5, snow, freezing rain, wind, and -30F windchills. Love to be outside, but very thainkful for an office job right now.

I worked at a paper mill for 24 cold winters in Maine and the parking lot was along the river and worse yet, the prevailing northwest winds blew right down the lot. Point is, the wind did have an effect on cars starting or not starting and it has to do with the wind carrying remnant engine heat away quicker. If you don't believe engine heat dissipates long term, try starting a diesel motor in the winter after it has sat for 2-3 days without being started.
Wind having an effect only on skin is myth, don't believe everything "they" tell you.
I think that full moon stuff making people crazy is bunk also. Now drinking a few to many Blue Moons might do it though. :cheers:
I have had it up to here with this term "windchill" and why you may ask.... I will tell ya!

If it is minus 5c and the wind is 25 mph they say it FEELS like -31c .
they also have figured how skin reacts ect but me problem is not with this measurement as a young mom would benifit from this number and dress there child properly to it.

It is the people that think this is the actual temp and will say it is minus 45c outside and in fact it is minus 10c .
I have a car that will start in minus 10c no problem even if the windchill says minus 30c it will start but at minus 30c it will not start .
I read somewhere windchill only affects warm blooded things. So yes, your car should start when its -10 wind or no wind. Just dont tell your car the wind is blowing and you should be good to go. lol
I hear ya, bassman. Bad news sells, and it seems almost impossible to get the actual temp on the tv or worst yet radio news/weather. Its always windchill, because its a lower temp. Well, it's winter, its cold, windy, and some days just plain nasty outside, we really dont need "disc-jocky" to tell us what we already know.
I'd think here in Minnesota most people would would understand wind chill (and now the summer 'heat index') but it's amazing even some newscasters are totally clueless.



They get paid to look good, they don't have to be clear.

Nice explanation of how windchill works, drawing the heat away from a warm object faster.
Moving air will always cool... No matter if it's warm outside or cold. So, indeed, wind does lower the ambient temperature of objects (but not the air itself), whether they be animated or not.

Why use a fan on a vehicles radiator?.. Cooling.

Why use a fan on yourself during a hot summer day?.. Cooling.

Did your mom blow on that burn when you were little?.. Did it feel cooler?

I guarantee, whether it's a car engine, or a human body... If it's cold, and you mix in wind... The object will cool at an accelerated rate... Which means it is indeed colder.
Just dont tell your car the wind is blowing and you should be good to go. lol

My first car was a 1968 VW Beetle.That thing not only was aware of windchills, it created its' own, along with snow out of the "defroster" Hard to remember if I've been that cold since.
Today it's -14c, not a breath of wind, not a cloud, was just outside shoveling snow, enjoyed it and did not get cold.
Now yesterday a young nascar driver took out a pole, it was -10c with a 40-50km wind and snowing, I was in the basket 30ft up, darn was it cold.
Yes wind chill works just fine!!
here in Iowa this morning, at 6:30 it was 50 deg and no wind. At 8:00 it was 30 deg and a 35 mph north wind. Now at 1:00 it is 10 deg. that shows how a wind chill can cool things off. The stove is going strong. lbut the bad part is I have to go out and load it, the 10 mins I am out there I freeze my little toot toot off,
Yeah , that cold front that's coming in here pushed a lot of wind ahead of it.

It was 57*F and calm this morning as the sun came up, 48 at about noon with the wind picking up out of the North and 27*F now. The air temp is dropping abour 5* every half hour. When the wind quits I have some rounds in the stack that have been begging me for a beating all Summer.

Kansas ! Yep, If you don't like the weather it doesnt take long for it to change.
Today's Stupid Computer Trick:

If you have a regular keyboard, hold down the ALT key while you type 0186 on the numeric keypad (make sure "num lock" is on so you're getting the numbers and not special commands on those keys).

That makes the º symbol
Today's Stupid Computer Trick:

If you have a regular keyboard, hold down the ALT key while you type 0186 on the numeric keypad (make sure "num lock" is on so you're getting the numbers and not special commands on those keys).

That makes the º symbol

Cool! Thanks!
I gave up a long time ago.

"Wet bulb days" in the Corp's meant it was hot and muggy, we Ran anyway.

Windchill effect means it's cold an windy, we ran anyway.

There are only three temps. really.

Nice out, Hotter than hell, and too friggin cold. Because you're gonna go out in it anyway.

The modifiers such as "Cold enough to plug in the truck", and "Too Hot without extra water" always apply though.

Seriously, after it gets above 80 or below Zero, does it really matter what the thermometer reads? You add another layer, or shed another layer and adjust the routine accordingly by feel anyhow.

When's the last time ya heard someone say "Gee golly Mike, it's ninety eight degrees and Ninety four point three percent humidity, do ya think you might want to shed the Long underwear, Wool shirt and Parka?".

All this windchill and humidity index crap is for folks that never go outside, so they have a point of referrence when watching the sensational drama that is the weather report on TV.

The rest of us already know it's Gawdafull cold, or Hotter than the water in the Devils Toilet.

Just my .02
I'll trade all of you for your windchill temps for mine without :p.

Checked the outside temp here and at 3 in the afternoon it's -26 Celcius (-14Fahrenheit without the windchill. With the windchill it's the same -40 celcius or Fahrenheit :p.

Think I am going to start a fire just for the hell of it. (Got water heat in this place. )

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