Whatever can keep me warm!!
Depends on the temp and how much snow.
I love climbing in the cold-quite a workout getting this big ass up a tree so the colder temps help keep the perspiration down.
It's the wet heavy snow I don't like-can never stay dry.
Usually a pair of Wesco insulated boots, jeans, Carhartt non-insulated bibs, a t-shirt, a hoodie, and a pair of non-insulated leather gloves (also hate gloves and will work as long as possible without them.) That usually keeps me warm down into the twenties. Get in the teens and I'll wear sweat pants under my jeans, add a regular sweatshirt, and get out my asplundh hoodie (love the oversize hood that fits over my helmet.) Although i just picked up some carhartt double knit hoodies this fall that I'm looking forward to trying out but the weather has been in a bit of a heat wave lately. Believe it or not, I climb in this gear even in below zero degree weather-just used to the cold I guess. The most important thing for me is keeping my hands warm though. Fortunately, about five years ago, I ran into a leather worker a couple counties over. Asked him if he made custom gloves (big hands.) Told him what I was looking for and he came up with an awesome glove. Insulated, pigskin, gauntlets. Pigskin seems to dry faster and doesn't get stiff. And the gauntlets are great for climbing-reach up for a branch and your wrist gets exposed (often dumping snow down your sleeve.) The gauntlets prevents this. Plus the drawstring for the gauntlet is under the cuff so you don't have to worry about branches ripping them off as you're feeding the chipper. Usually keep 6 or 7 pairs in truck during the wet snowy days. Just changing into a dry pair of gloves can really light up your day!
Just my opinion of course!