Pat - I guarantee you that "earth first schmucks" don't run the government around here. We are nearly ALL interested in environmental quality.
From what I understand a decent wood gas generator would produce almost no air pollution and would therefore be an environmental plus.
Sounds like you have some experience with the creatures and your comments on engine wear deserve attention. How serious is it?
I tried to look up the Woodmizer Bio-Mizer product but they have taken all their information about it off their web site.
I have a old article around here on the matter, I can dig it up, if necessary.
It is the acids in the mix that harm the engine. It is also quite difficult to filter them out. Most of the fuel is carbon monoxide, and is mixed with air at aprox 50/50 ratio. This is adjustable while in operation. If I recall, the engine would last about 10,000 miles. Perhaps we can build a better filter system today.
I think the emissions would be quite interesting. When the vehicle is stopped, and the lid is opened to keep the fire smoldering... smoke.
Then when running, I suppose that the engine would burn it fairly cleanly, but there would be some normal combustion products (forget your cat conv. that thing would be jammed with tar). Too lean, it backfires into the intake. Too rich, and it loses power. Different mixture is required for different loads and speeds. By now it is probably possible to rig a computer to do the major adjustments and adjust things for best results and alert the operator when it is time to stir the pot, so to speak.
It was mentioned that hardwoods worked better, and I really, really like the idea of using pellets! Excellent idea!!!! Hmmm..... I got this old truck out here. Little conversion.... ideas....