wood dust in the carb hard on the saw?

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My Jonsered 621 had only a fine brass mesh screen for an air filter. That saw was my primary firewood saw for 25+ years and cut all kinds of wood, not all of which was clean and sound.

The saw finally succumbed to a failed bearing on the PTO side, but was still running strong right up to that point.

I am only making an observation where and am not recommending that everyone switches to a brass mesh screen.

Smoke particulates are finer than the filter pores. Those saws must take some work to get cleaned up.

Think about what your lungs go through doing that work
Ya the firt time I pulled one down I thought to myself -this saw must have really got over heated but why isn't any scoring on the cyliner- hmmmm - then more came in, all the same- do what needs to be done and back to work they go
Fines are a fact of life. No air filter will stop them all. Maintenance is a must.
When you work in a shop and you cannot see the filter because the sawdust is caked around, but the piston is still OK, you know the filter is doing it's job even if there are fines.
As posted before, the worst air filtration is the one that is never cleaned.
I have never understood the quest for the air filter that will last longer without cleaning.
It is maintenance. Do it. Daily.

Oh and yes, the air filter DOES need to replaced more than once in ten years.
Fines aren't that big of a deal, at least as much as everyone obsesses over them on this forum (it seems). Case in point the replies above...fine particulates do not turn your piston into a scored mess like is commonly perceived. More important to counter this is a quality oil at a better than 50:1 ratio (40:1-45:1)
Fines aren't that big of a deal, at least as much as everyone obsesses over them on this forum (it seems). Case in point the replies above...fine particulates do not turn your piston into a scored mess like is commonly perceived. More important to counter this is a quality oil at a better than 50:1 ratio (40:1-45:1)
I agree, I think it is all fuss over nothing, imagine how much fines we inhale.....
Another high hr well used abused saw ingesting sawdust fines.
I'm failing to see any major damage caused by fines getting through?
But sure if fines worry you keep it spotlessly clean and sleep well at night.
Personally I ignore fines and just get on with it lol

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All your pistons show excessive skirt wear.
There is nothing wrong with expecting an air filter to actually filter.
Yeah, and I'm thinking -- considering how many hours of runtime it probably took to get that little bit of wear on the skirt -- that replacing a piston after all those hours would add an additional cost of (let's say) 1/2 of 1% of the cost of fuel and oil used in the same time frame...griping about having to replace a piston after 10k hours is like griping that your Bic lighter went dry after "only" 100 cartons of Marlboros. :laugh: How many sets of lungs did you go through in the same time period?

There's also the issue of lost productivity if you clean the air filter eleventy bajillion times in that 10k hours...how many man-hours did that take? I'm betting that replacing a piston every 5 years would be far cheaper in the long run...not to put too "fine" a point on it...

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