Wood Hauler Pics

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The old big red does really well with the tire chains on. It's a 250 four stroke, 5 speed with auto clutch. I only use first and second gear for most of my hauling. Really not interested in going faster than that in the woods if I have a load on! I have used many different tire setups on the back (the chains are the best), but I must say that with real aggressive tires (no chains) it will pull with any 4 wheeler that's not in 4 wheel drive. Maybe better.

I don't think I'll upgrade to a 4x4 until she's done for! The short turning radius is awesome! If you have a 3 wheeler to fix, I'd say do it. At worst, you'll get your money back out of it!:cheers:

Did you know that the old Three wheeler will float? My big red would with me on it. A trick my Alaskin buddies had to prove to me before I tried it.
your lucky day.

Thanks! I only wish I could get some new rear fenders for under $300! I'm thinking about making some that wrap around the front and rear of the tires with a plastic 55 gallon drum.

I've got just what you need. I think it's an 84 or85 Big red. ATC200E no motor. Rest is there. Fenders are in good shape last time I noticed, seat shot. I just replaced the axel and new bearings/seals. Axel was used and ever so slightly bent. not enough to hurt. hubs are in good shape and new brakes. Never was completed. Just did bunch of work on the rear end and gave up. Ive got almost 250 in it(Honda parts arent cheap). Tires are old but have huge lugs and held air last I knew. If interested make an offer.I might be able to get some pics. racks are there too(front and back). PM me.
I've got just what you need. I think it's an 84 or85 Big red. ATC200E no motor. Rest is there. Fenders are in good shape last time I noticed, seat shot. I just replaced the axel and new bearings/seals. Axel was used and ever so slightly bent. not enough to hurt. hubs are in good shape and new brakes. Never was completed. Just did bunch of work on the rear end and gave up. Ive got almost 250 in it(Honda parts arent cheap). Tires are old but have huge lugs and held air last I knew. If interested make an offer.I might be able to get some pics. racks are there too(front and back). PM me.
100.00 cxash
This is my rig that I use for the quick to the woods and search for wood trips. I found this load on saturday afternoon wish I could find more like it darn nice wood..



I love that trailer Hedge.. that thing holds alot of wood and the tires look fine. Is that an old tractor axle on that? Did you build it yourself?

looks nice.
Ill pay ya but wood not pick for a while,..

It's been in the current position for 2-3 years outside, Don't see what 4-6 months difference would make. If anybody has a mini(Kids) size four wheeler, for parts or trade/sell. I'd be interested.
No pretty snow pic's like some of you have but here's my hauler anyway. This setup is actually used for mainly yard debris and garbage but I was using the trailer as a wheelbarrow and in the interest of this thread threw it on the quad. :cheers: I plan on building a wood shed about 150yds behind the house to season wood so this will come in handy to haul loads up to the house at some point. I am also going to build side boards for this trailer to up its capacity some.

Yamaha 80

It's been in the current position for 2-3 years outside, Don't see what 4-6 months difference would make. If anybody has a mini(Kids) size four wheeler, for parts or trade/sell. I'd be interested.

I dont know if my kidds will let me sell it or not, It hasent been riden more than 15, 20 times in the past 2 years, and my baby turns 10 in may, Its a real cream puff, never been crashed, And Iam the only one thats ever toped it out,.Red in color,.automatic shift, I think they wood be happier with a golf cart,.as they are not allowed to go fast anyways,..T,C, E,J,
splittah wrote:
I love that trailer Hedge.. that thing holds alot of wood and the tires look fine. Is that an old tractor axle on that? Did you build it yourself?

It gets used for all kinds of stuff. I need to add some removable sides on it so I don't have to mess with the straps. I built it (about 10yrs ago) starting with a set of stub axles from Gemplers. I made it so that I can pull one bolt in the front on the hitch and take the flatbed off and put on a sprayer (5 hp, 30', 55 gal boom sprayer). Nothing to high-tech really just fits the things I need it to. It's only real downfall is that it has a fairly high center of gravity and so when you put 15-20 small squares of hay on it you have to be real careful not to roll it over.:dizzy: The back of the axle has a 2" reciever on it that I put a long tube in and hang a wire unroller off the back of the trailer to help build fence with.
It gets used for all kinds of stuff. I need to add some removable sides on it so I don't have to mess with the straps. I built it (about 10yrs ago) starting with a set of stub axles from Gemplers. I made it so that I can pull one bolt in the front on the hitch and take the flatbed off and put on a sprayer (5 hp, 30', 55 gal boom sprayer). Nothing to high-tech really just fits the things I need it to. It's only real downfall is that it has a fairly high center of gravity and so when you put 15-20 small squares of hay on it you have to be real careful not to roll it over.:dizzy: The back of the axle has a 2" reciever on it that I put a long tube in and hang a wire unroller off the back of the trailer to help build fence with.

Just an idea, but some removable bars would allow higher stacked loads. Like you see on logging trailers. Maybe alittle lighter too.:cheers:
I dont know if my kidds will let me sell it or not, It hasent been riden more than 15, 20 times in the past 2 years, and my baby turns 10 in may, Its a real cream puff, never been crashed, And Iam the only one thats ever toped it out,.Red in color,.automatic shift, I think they wood be happier with a golf cart,.as they are not allowed to go fast anyways,..T,C, E,J,

Well let me know before my tax return fizzles out. LOL. Build em a go cart with full roll cage. there more fun anways cuttin dougnuts. my son plowed his into an oak tree, all that was hurt----------His Pride---------oh and the front quarter was set back about 3""
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Well let me know before my tax return fizzles out. LOL. Build em a go cart with full roll cage. there more fun anways cuttin dougnuts. my son plowed his into an oak tree, all that was hurt----------His Pride---------oh and the front quarter was set back about 3""

My son wants a GO cart/Golf cart But Iam holding off, My baby girl wants a golf cart, But they might not let me sell the 4 wheeler until I get one,or the other, DADS,.rule,. But,. Iam watchin the polls,.. T,C, E,J,
My son wants a GO cart/Golf cart But Iam holding off, My baby girl wants a golf cart, But they might not let me sell the 4 wheeler until I get one,or the other, DADS,.rule,. But,. Iam watchin the polls,.. T,C, E,J,

Helmets you need helmets, maybe not with golf carts but anything else. Helmet saved my chit more than once. Here's the story. That cage I built on my son's cart was just about 3 inches higher then his helmet line. He was having trouble cuttin doghnuts and I thought "I'll show ya" I set down in it and the cage came up over my shoulders like seatbelt harness. My head stuck out from my jawline up. Thank God I had my helmet on. Of course Dumazz me I got it wrapped up, turned and rolled that Bazterd in a ready to burn feild. Gas was poring down my back. I have not doubt it would have broken my neck, scalped me, or burned me to death, had I not had a helmet on. All I can do is laugh at how stupid I was. I changed my saying to "OK son that's what NOT to do."
Thank God I had my helmet on. Of course Dumazz me I got it wrapped up, turned and rolled that Bazterd in a ready to burn feild. Gas was poring down my back. I have not doubt it would have broken my neck, scalped me, or burned me to death, had I not had a helmet on. All I can do is laugh at how stupid I was. I changed my saying to "OK son that's what NOT to do."

How did a helmet keep you from breaking your neck or burning to death? Your actually lucky your helmet didn't break your collar bone. I'm not knocking you for wearing one just sounds like unreal expectations of a helmet.

edit: I just read this and it sounds sort of anti helmet. I just wanted to say that's not the case, I fully believe in wearing them but people should be aware of their limitations. There's a quote from a helmet designer I like that said "tell me what kind of crash you're going to have and I'll design your perfect helmet".
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edit: I just read this and it sounds sort of anti helmet. I just wanted to say that's not the case, I fully believe in wearing them but people should be aware of their limitations. There's a quote from a helmet designer I like that said "tell me what kind of crash you're going to have and I'll design your perfect helmet".

Do we really need disclaimers?! LOL!

My hair's on fire!:angry2: