I think if its that concentrated there have been some good suggestions on here put in a cheap exhaust fan and or wear a respirator I also have had bad cases of "black nose" after filling so it obviously gets somewhat into your system which can't be good how bad who knows everyone is different and reacts to different things that are "bad" but if your worried why take the chance even if it just makes you feel better about it do it!! On the outdoor end of things I just think about how many pollutants/chemicals have been put in the air that wouldn't be there if it wasn't for industry things that mother nature never intended and its not from burning wood!! I have heard but never checked into it that every living man, woman, child and animal has some rare radioisotope in there body from a rocket Nasa put up that exploded supposedly (and I don't doubt) the power supply desintagrated and spread all over and we breathed/ate it into our system. Kinda scary if it is true but i'm not saying it is heard it along time ago!! I guess what I am saying is if I was a EPA guy woodburners would be at the end of a very long list!!
maybe the thousands of nuclear explosions from tests might have some affect on people......
maybe the tons of polution from industries world wide might have some affect on people....
maybe some NASA spave ship exploding might have some affect on people....
maybe wood burning might have some affect on people.....
volcanoes are notorious for emitting tons of polutants and all those clouds of ash we see are comprised of minute particles of glass that are known to ruin lungs when inhaled....and they spread world wide.
but, i liken the OP's concerns about smoke to those of a jogger that i see running along a busy highway, for his health, and deeply breathing in all that evil emission stuff from passing cars and trucks.
we all burn wood here, and if one is concerned about the health effects of burning wood, then perhaps an alternative energy source should be considered. if you get a little smoke back at ya, turn your head away or hold your breath, or wear a mask. i don't believe many people have been hospitalized because they inhaled a little wood smoke, unless your caught in the middle of a forest fire.