Mill 'em, nails be damned.
I hear ya. If the $ is available and time isn't (as is most often the case) spending it on saving time is a good investment. Also, we all know the SS machines last long enough to be handing them down to the next generation, or alternatively have a fair residual value if no longer needed. Unlike many other machines. Buying the SS is also keeping a larger % of the $ in USA, supporting USA families, so all Americans benefit.I understand what you are saying. But if free time is limited, a mechanical splitter makes more sense. If he has say a free hour, he could bust out a cord. What would he accomplish in a hour with an axe or maul? He also stated he was skinny and not strong, which is fine, but splitting by hand wont favor those traits.
Purchases like a splitter should be looked at as a long term investment. For example, Lets say you split 5 full cords a year. The next 20 years will equal out to 100 full cords. The guy with a kinetic or fast hydraulic splitter might spend 100-130 hours over that 2 decades splitting wood. The guy hand splitting might spend literally 4 times that amount. At the end of the day you need to ask yourself, how much would I earn working those 300 hours on mostly weekends? Even if you only make $10/hour you would have easily paid for the Supersplit. I don't know about everyone else, but I wouldn't give up weekend days for $10/hour.
That is a mild version.
Now lets pretend you use 8 cords a year, the difference over those 20 years is now 500 hours, and say, I wont give up my Saturday or Sunday for $10/hr. I would need at least $20/hr. Ok, now we are talking 10 grand over that 20 years. That would buy an awful lot of stuff. For the guys who say I can split that fast by you cant. Not for 8 full cords. Sure you may keep up for an hour, but I've never met anyone who could hand split a full cord an hour consistently for a full day. Those people would be the very rare exception, not the norm. Most people don't have the work capacity or stamina to even come close to keeping up with a mechanical splitter. That's reality.
In short, yes you burn wood to save money and buying a ton of gear seems to defeat the purpose. When you calculate the time you saved over doing it all by hand however, buying that gear makes the most sense. Personally, I like having time to hang out with my wife and kids, or doing other projects, you young guys will see. Before you know it those newborns are as big as you are. Don't waste all your free time to save a buck. I know money can be tight. We've all been there. You need to find a way to save up for things that will save you time and money.
The question remains though, does the OP have the $ for one and nothing better to spend it on? Further, is there anything else further up the chain that would be worth spending the money on, such as chainsaw winch/snatch block, etc, to get the wood out, if time is limited?