Saw a reference in to small processor from this Canadian company
As an engineer, I see this really nicely thought out and detailed in design, and pretty cheap, and includes an outfeed conveyor.
1. Clearly for northern climates, straight small trees I think it was 16 inch maximum.
2. No log lift or table, but for the intended market and log size, it could work.
3. 12 tons, 3 or 3.5 inch cylinder too small for many people, but appropriate for the log sizes.
Not for me, but I did get some nice ideas and appreciate the machine and its specialized market.
As an engineer, I see this really nicely thought out and detailed in design, and pretty cheap, and includes an outfeed conveyor.
1. Clearly for northern climates, straight small trees I think it was 16 inch maximum.
2. No log lift or table, but for the intended market and log size, it could work.
3. 12 tons, 3 or 3.5 inch cylinder too small for many people, but appropriate for the log sizes.
Not for me, but I did get some nice ideas and appreciate the machine and its specialized market.