We do some cooking on the barrel stove during deer camp, and use it extensively to keep a pot of partridge cheese soup, chili or jambalaya warm. Let me tell you, it's heaven when you walk in the camp after a morning of cutting firewood and you're cold and hungry and you smell the aroma of what's warming on top of dat barrel stove. The cook stove belonged to my great grandmother and when I was a kid, once in a while on Sundays the whole family would go out to camp and my grandmother would cook a huge meal including polenta on that cook stove, us kids would explore outside and walk the trails by the river searching for old logging camps until grandma rang the cow bell hanging in the attic as the sign to come in and eat. Last time I used that cook stove I was probably in my twenties - it's been known to have a pizza in the oven more than once, not sure what my great grandmother would think of that. I've had the wife and kids stay out there few times, wife will only go after a few frosts as she's not much of a bug person, but me and the kids go no matter what time of year. One of these days I'm gonna have the kids make a meal on that old cook stove, just to say we did.
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