Divine intervention, presumably!
Got a question for you and OSHA.
Who's there to save the savior?
Not going to try to red in to that, but, what do you mean,savior?
I think that the question translated would be "If the rescue climber is busy rescuing the first climber, who is on the ground ready to rescue the rescue climber?"
But you knew that, didn't you?
I think that the question translated would be "If the rescue climber is busy rescuing the first climber, who is on the ground ready to rescue the rescue climber?"
But you knew that, didn't you?
A trained crew should all be somewhat qualified to saddle up and help , mine are and we are only four strong , so the question is how many is too many and my answer is all of them should be able to assist ..
I think that the question translated would be "If the rescue climber is busy rescuing the first climber, who is on the ground ready to rescue the rescue climber?"
But you knew that, didn't you?
I don't know about that Rope...
I could live with being resuscitated... I'm sure remembering the event that caused the need would be worse than the solution to the problem.
I have seen some women that I think kissing might cause worst nightmares than any guy could.
CPR- Now it is just the chest, no mouth, Really, check it out.
They change the dern crap more than I change cheap light bulbs. I have been through those since the 80's and it seems it changed each time.
Cha cha cha change's,
Jeff, yup they do!
So chest no breaths sound like certain death with obstructed airway I will stick to my last training.
Just telling ya Rope, That is the deal, check it out. I guess the blood moves the oxygen, but really, that is the new deal. Check it out all you want, I am right,
This year maybe but if they have pulse with obstructed airway it could be detrimental, as I said my grandkids ,wife etc will get my last first aid training which I believe superior to just compressions in many events. So I guess they don't even check pulse now eh?
I know you are in Arkansas, but all of ya'll know that you still check the air-way and throat and pulse. Just saying, no need for ' mouth to mouth.'
It is like after 7:30 at nite. I am going to sleep.
See ya in the AM!
Good post, Our guy's are trained in aerial rescue. All 12 of them. And we spend the money and man-hours to keep it that way. So, what is with the Savior and need to rescue the rescuer? Jealous?