Thats hardly jeffs point I believe , it is more a benchmark set forth for the protection of the employee ,and I would venture to say that there would not be one person citing the rescuer with any fine but instead recognize the selfless attempt at helping another both with his training and quick response , and frankly your last sentence really is so far off base that if I helped you out of a situation and you said that to me I would certainly probably punch you in the mouth ,really the nerve
I get it. Jeff's point is osha's point. And I do admit to having a little fun with Jeff’s 12. It was a perfect number. Nothing against Jeff, but it was funny to me. First he comes down with the osha req, and then he's like, we've got 12 certified. I mean that's good and all, really, but seriously, it was funny how it came across especially in light of the subject matter in general. It's like:
OSHA HAS SPOKEN! This must be the part where we sing hymns and put our hard earned money in the plate.
I think you're missing my point. Allow me an attempt to clarify. I'm not talking about citing anyone. I'm all for rescue climbers, their very existence, and manifold "blessings," makes my general point about working alone, and what it takes to do so safely,
for me. That's the topic of this thread....or was Sometimes still is.
I'm simply making light of a osha req, and those that preach it as salvation, how it contradicts itself, and how that truly promotes, and if successful, demonstrates, the same principles it seeks to protect us from....working alone, or climbing alone, specifically in this case.
To put it in bare bones English, the minute the rescue climber is needed, he
is climbing alone, or without at least a climber to cover his butt. Unless there are 12 waiting in line, naturally. Some might need 12.
Nevertheless, all poking fun aside, it's a high calling to head up after a down man, but that in itself doesn't grant immunity. There is still a risk, if not an amplified one, no pun intended. And then there is more on the line than just yourself. It is a very selfless act, but that doesn't always make it a smart one, nor guarantee success.
That being said, and in the current situations I might find myself climbing, (again, no pun intended) I don't require anyone to come up after me. If you do, it is on you, you are on your own....literally. Keep that at about the top of your mind, and work accordingly, or don't bother coming. I would not want another man to risk everything to save me from my screw-up, or otherwise bad luck.
However, if you are going to do it, do it from your heart, out of generosity.....NOT because osha, neither because their deacons, told you to. Not out of a sense of duty, nor heroism. Do it for you, do it for me, but be certain you can do it safely.
If I wake up alive, I will thank you...and I'll mean it. I might cuss you for it, and you might pop me in the mouth, but I'll still thank you. I might even thank you for popping me in the mouth. I'm a pretty good sport and take fairly well to pop knots, though it is certainly better to give, than to receive.
If I wake up dead, and you're there, don't start in about it or I'll pop you in the mouth. And then I'll still give you a good cussing.
However, if I wake up dead, and you're not there….
Fair enough, now I've only myself to cuss and don't beat yourself up over no one to pop in the mouth. Get over it, have a beer or two, pay your respects, remember me well, and whatever you do, keep climbing. And don't carry me around like a backpack, you did your best, and a least you tried and survived. Don't sit around moping, watching cliffhanger reruns, and feeling sorry for yourself. Better luck next time.