Would a Port and Polished MS 361 run with a stock MS 440/441???

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manual said:
So what size bar are you using ?
I cut mostly oak most of the bells are 16 to 20 inch. I use the modded jonny red with a 20" bar.
Now I am going to modd my 361 for the smaller stuff. I use a 18" bar now.
Do you think I will gain more with a 16" bar

I run 16" bars on all my modded 60cc saws!

I like the speed!!! Not to mention the feel of a 16" bar.........that size......to me......has the right feel. As I get older I have opted for the smaller bars anyway!

IMO running a bar bigger than 20" on a modded 361 defeats the purpose of having the mods!!!

Of I want to run a 20" or bigger I step up to the modded 7900 or the modded 372!!!
talon1189 said:
Yup.........I agree.......I an old 428 Corbra Jet Ford man myself :( The NHRA has reconized the 4 and 6 cylinder technology that is here today? But........I own a turbo-chargered 1990 Eagle Talon AWD w/o nitrous that runs 11:70's and quicker. Technology is everything my friend :) The Technology is here "Today":) Sorry if this is off topic.....:chainsaw: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Talon
Geees, I guess first one to the wood wins. Turbo charged Talon:jawdrop:
I got to ask.... What did you name it
rahtreelimbs said:
I run 16" bars on all my modded 60cc saws!

I like the speed!!! Not to mention the feel of a 16" bar.........that size......to me......has the right feel. As I get older I have opted for the smaller bars anyway!

IMO running a bar bigger than 20" on a modded 361 defeats the purpose of having the mods!!!

Of I want to run a 20" or bigger I step up to the modded 7900 or the modded 372!!!
325 or 375 chain? 8 tooth sprocket?
manual said:
325 or 375 chain? 8 tooth sprocket?

.325 on a modded 361 or 359 is a waste of time!!!

3/8 chain..............7 tooth sprocket. You can't get an 8 tooth for the 361....mine has the small spline. The 359 you can run an 8 tooth but the 7 tooth is better in a work environment!
rahtreelimbs said:
.325 on a modded 361 or 359 is a waste of time!!!

3/8 chain..............7 tooth sprocket. You can't get an 8 tooth for the 361....mine has the small spline. The 359 you can run an 8 tooth but the 7 tooth is better in a work environment!
Cool I don't care for the 325 chain wears faster, to me.
Stihl has a drive sprocket bearing that has larger bearings so you can use the larger dia. sprocket rims
Thanks, I got away from the 16" bars awhile ago.So it looks like I am going to have to pick one up and see how she cuts.
I'm trying the 8 tooth sprocket on the 2171 and noticed a lose of power in the cuts but like I said I cut mostly oak.
I have a woods port 361. In 8-12 in wood it is very strong. It is faster than my 064, 181 and 394. I haven't tried them in really big wood, but I am sure the larger saws would take over. The 044 I had was no match for the 361 in any size wood.
Just buy a 440 and send it to him for modding... that way you'll have another to look forward to! :buttkick:

The disease is taking over...
Nah.... seems to me that the next logical step up from a modded 361 would be a 660... Fortunately for me, a 660 is so far out of the realm of what I could use that I don't harbor any urge to have one.

Haywire Haywood said:
Nah.... seems to me that the next logical step up from a modded 361 would be a 660... Fortunately for me, a 660 is so far out of the realm of what I could use that I don't harbor any urge to have one.


I used to think the same thing.

I went from a Husky 137, to a stihl 310, then a 460, then a used 066, then a new 660, then a 361....

With a dead 460, 260, 200t somewhere in the middle....I dont even have a fireplace.
CaseyForrest said:
I dont even have a fireplace.

You and I are in the same boat... LOL I cut for a buddy of mine and both his parents. His parent's 2 wood sheds are full, and I have about a cord cut, split, and stacked in the back yard now that'll fill his under-deck wood rack. I keep telling him that he needs to build a new wood shed, but he doesn't have the time. That's where I draw the line. I'll fill'em but I'm not building them too. :D


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