Would you spend as much on a chainsaw as a firearm?

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Apr 10, 2008
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Or any other hobbie.
There was a 090av on Ebay that went for over 2500. I would never spend that much on a saw. But I would think nothing on spending double or more than that on a gun. I plan to spend ever more than that when I get my 50bmg.

Anyone else have hobbies they would spend more money on than saws. I know this is a trick question because some things are just plain more expensive than saws. Like campers. But if you have 10K to spend on saws or a camper what would you choose?
That is why I dont race anymore...money aspect too much to be competitive and raise 2 kids. Not to mention the wife scorning me...
now your talkin my language. Id rather put my money in guns, but saws have caught my fancy lately. depends on what bmg...
That is why I dont race anymore...money aspect too much to be competitive and raise 2 kids. Not to mention the wife scorning me...

I've been doing this for awhile and I figured out how to sneak guns in the house. I say I'm going shooting and take 2 cases. But one case is empty. I go get the gun and carry it back in the empty case and put it with the other guns. Later if I'm asked if that's a new gun I simply state no it's just one I don't take out much.

It took me awhile to figure out how to get more saws. Than it hit me. My gf can't tell the differance between saws all Huskies look alike to her. For awhile I had 3 Huskies as long as I made sure they never seen together I was fine.
now your talkin my language. Id rather put my money in guns, but saws have caught my fancy lately. depends on what bmg...

If I make it to the gtg. Maybe we can do some shooting to.

Bushmaster (Cobb Industries) makes a good 50 I've heard.
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I have a bunch of guns and I am getting into saws. I don't think that I will have a bunch of saws but!

I look at a saw, Firearm, truck or whatever. It is a hobby or maybe a tool!

I get the best that I can afford, buy once and get what I want (hopefully)

Mine and my family life are protected by a Kimber 1911 and soon a EMP.

My truck is a Ford and I am working on a saw purchase.
My chainsaw spending limit is about $500. Im looking at buying a new MS290 pretty soon and spending about $400 on it.
Ive got a Browning BPS Upland Special 12-gauge that I spent $285 on.
I have and will continue to spend more on snowmobiling than I ever would on a chainsaw, but thats like comparing apples to oranges.
Comparing a MS 880 to a Polaris 800 Dragon isnt really fair. The 088 is about $800, the Dragon is almost $12,000.
No contest here, I'd never pay for a saw what I have paid for guns. If I were a professional logger or something and the saw made my money I'm sure I wouldn't be a tightwad.

This was way more than any of my saws...

I'm glad I've collected firearms for close to 40 years. It just ran out of sparkle and saws seem to be taking it's place, at least temporarily. One of the reasons is $500.00 doesn't buy you much anymore, with what I like. Certainly has proven to be a better investment based on the state of current affairs.

This was way more than any of my saws...


Nice 1913. I have the older version, the 1813 which was the cat's meow back when I bought it. Won many a match back when it was considered state of the art. It probably still could but, I couldn't.
I would spend more money on a gun.

My "need" to collect firearms has at least been temporarily supplanted with the need for more chainsaws and accessories.
Unfortunately, my budget doesn't allow me to collect both at the same time. :(
Sometimes I bring a "critter gitter" along with the chainsaw for firewood runs on the farm.
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Im looking at buying a new MS290 pretty soon and spending about $400 on it.

Take a look at those $350-400 John Deere CS62s. Closer to a MS361 than a MS290. More power and less weight than a 290, and constructed like a pro saw. Outboard clutch though.

Most of my rifles are NEF Handi rifles, never paid more than $200 for one of those (unless I count the cost of the extra barrels, I've got 5 frames and about 14 barrels).
The closest thing I've got to that Anschutz is a CMP Winchester 75, I think I paid $75 for it about 25 years ago.

I have had a few airguns that cost more than I've paid for a saw, but most of those are gone. Sometimes I lament the ones that got away, like the Skanaker 88, but I never could shoot that pistol worth a darn, it was too heavy for me to shoot a full match with. My Career 707 is the only remaining airgun that cost me more than a JD CS62.

This was way more than any of my saws...


Only ever used one prone way to heavy for standing!
Gave it up and went to shooting clays.
I do have a real cheap and nasty shotgun for bouncing about in the back of a tractor but the rest are 2-4 times the value of my most expensive saw:)