Wraptor talk

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So what? Ekka's got a powered ascender he likes, TreeVet's got one he likes, they both have their pro's and con's...each has a different manufacturer, no-one's claiming exclusivity of the market...I fail to see the big deal...

I am disappointed this ended up in the toilet, I would have thought grown up men could decide when to take the high road, agree to disagree guys, and live your life without stress, be safe however you work the trees!

Good points, and I also do not like it when threads get personal and the name calling starts...as it does nothing for of the folks involved.

originaly posted John Paul Sanborn :The big difference is that the Aussie Mfr. does not want to make it for the US regulatory/tariff market. We cannot get that one here, so someone had to develop a home grown design. I assume it was easier/cheaper for him to take the basic idea and go from there. Any tree-guy (gal) has at least seen a picture of Graehm's "Scotty" unit, if he could have got a unit over here, he probably would have had to pay a stiff duty on it.

OK, now we seem to be talking, however the concept being some ones Else's remains, as long as that's out there that this unit is an aftermarket design its all good.
So what? Ekka's got a powered ascender he likes, TreeVet's got one he likes, they both have their pro's and con's...each has a different manufacturer, no-one's claiming exclusivity of the market...I fail to see the big deal...

I am disappointed this ended up in the toilet, I would have thought grown up men could decide when to take the high road, agree to disagree guys, and live your life without stress, be safe however you work the trees!

The agree/disagree had zero to do with the product, Treevet is great at name calling, telling lies, making incorrect assumptions and derogatory remarks that have to be corrected .... to let them fly by is like not asking where the weapons of mass destruction were for a country that USA illegally invaded. Search all his posts in this thread and have a close look at it, start counting the number of offences. The man has serious issues and for it to run around unchecked is as bad as commiting the crap yourself. :)

He insinuated that the Wraptor is capable of reversing when it is not, he simply hangs a DRT system off it, and then decends off the device, and that's nothing unique I assure you. I then mentioned how I can use the device Drt and have it at hand for an ascent anytime and if he'd figured that out yet. If he descends 30' on his Drt system from the device then realises he needs to go back up 30' for something .... he has to hump it up rather than hit a throttle.

The big difference is that the Aussie Mfr. does not want to make it for the US regulatory/tariff market. We cannot get that one here, so someone had to develop a home grown design. I assume it was easier/cheaper for him to take the basic idea and go from there. Any tree-guy (gal) has at least seen a picture of Graehm's "Scotty" unit, if he could have got a unit over here, he probably would have had to pay a stiff duty on it.

The PME is made by the Swiss and for their own reasons (and I mentioned it earlier) they do not sell in the USA. If you look through all the posts you'll see the point being made is the device is not new however now you guys have one where the rest of the world (outside of USA) had one for 13 years.

I do not know if the USA manf has the insurances and product liabilities, no-one knows PME's legal issues really but perhaps when the first death or injury occurs with a Wraptor and the manf is sued or held accountable it may affect the price and premiums. Over here a manf whose products or workmanship results in a death also face industrial manslaughter charges with long jail time. One company has 13 years experience with the product the other is still in nappies, as more units hit the streets so do the odds of an injury escalate.
I do not know if the USA man has the insurances and product liabilities,

Yes, he does.

I still don't see why the need for all the hating in this thread. (Or any other, really.)
I disagree.

Cars aren't a unique invention, but every model is a unique design. Same thing for chippers, ropes, chainsaws, stump cutters, saddles... everything else we use in arboriculture- where's the anger over those things? Heck Paul's design for his Wraptor is more unique than a diesel disc chipper- they're all practically identical, size for size.

There's no anger we know of because they were invented many years ago before the net out of military necessity invented it. Who's knows if old Henry Ford went on like a pork chop when they started making cars as this type of discussion went on behind closed doors.

However you are entitled to your opinion.
Yes, he does.

I still don't see why the need for all the hating in this thread. (Or any other, really.)

I agree, tell Treevet. He seems to like to froth the place up and avoid the real discussion. :) I hate having to defend myself from his types. :cheers:
It takes TWO to argue, Eric.

It takes two baby, isnt there a song like that?

So true but when one keeps slinging the shyte and getting personal like treevet has do you just roll over and take it! Hell I would not have posted stern words to treevet if he didn't get personal.
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Somebody has to be the bigger person and just not respond. :)

If I got shook every time someone hacked on me, I'd be much more occupied. If you're letting someone on a web forum half way 'round the world that you'll never meet control whether or not you're happy, you're giving them way too much power over you.

Sticks and stones, my friend. :givebeer:
I'm guilty of enjoying a good fight sometimes, I have to admit... but this isnt one of those. Its not even entertaining.

Let it go already!

If somebody has something to say about the American Wraptor thats cool, but this other crap is giving me a headache.

And yes, its pretty clear why you two are over here.
Somebody has to be the bigger person and just not respond. :)

If I got shook every time someone hacked on me, I'd be much more occupied. If you're letting someone on a web forum half way 'round the world that you'll never meet control whether or not you're happy, you're giving them way too much power over you.

Sticks and stones, my friend. :givebeer:

Once more true words are spoken.

As a suggestion, if I may, the powers that be here on AS was on the ball a little more this thread would not have had a chance to deteriorate, notice though how one presents facts and the other presents personal attacks.
Well the wraptor is the first powered ascender I've ever 'seen'...so it was interesting to learn of others, and read of those who've used them,and how they are similar or different, I liked that part of the thread...but I live in aboricultural outer mongolia so...

The interesting thing about internet chat is you can soon tell who's a bit of a numpty by their descent (pun intended) into triviality, name calling and pettiness...keep to the facts calmly and they speak for themselves...no need to go all playground...sun's over the yardarm, let's have some:cheers:
Funny how the person who throws the stones is allowed to though. Is it the American way to lay down and get walked over? Or do you stand up to terrorism?

I did hit the report post button days ago. And according to Treevet me being some dictator well lets see, you know how we resolve these things on the alleged Dictators forum?

We have a hidden forum set up and move the feuding parties and the thread into the hidden forum called "Resolution Room". Both parties are instructed to work it out with the emphasis placed on removing comments and remarks that irritate the other party. A deadline is given and upon there being no outcome by the deadline the moderator does his best at cleaning up the thread. Once the thread is clean it goes back out there. How's that for a fair system.

Yet, here we have a totally different system, not sure what it is but it certainly offends me that this type of conduct is permitted and that the thread isn't cleaned up whilst I get called names and lies are told.

Here you go, a few posts of evidence.

What are you treehousers doing over here pal? Slumming?

I could care less about your input. Could care less about your forum. Could care less that you were one of the first people to "demo" it. Liked the product, bought it, started this thread to bring some more attention to it for the innovative person that invented it.

I took offense to a post made by Boston I thought was directed at me and reacted to it. If you don't like that, stick it where the sun don't shine.

I guess that is just the genius that is you dipshiht? Plug and demo a product you didn't invent. You are something. Wow

You are making an incorrect reference. As for the spikes reference my rational thinking involved that you did not have a motorized ascender last time I was aware of it (maybe you have one now, maybe not) AND if not, you probably couldn't get your fat ass up a tree without spikes which is protocol in cabling.

Where is the fault in that rational thinking?

The subject was cabling and you trying force feed the rubber band cabling system on a knowing audience and was made to look silly from lack of experience and knowledge.

I was right as well about your arrogant behavior and know it all attitude that had led to the banning of most of your high level members on your own forum by dictator you and likely had to do with the demise of your marriage.

We know each other much better than you would lead one to believe, don't we.:)

As usual you interpret comments to suit your own needs.....Just how does it constitute a backflip to disagree with Sean on "elastic...(ok?)" cables but then agree with him that I have, on occasion "attached" defective branches to a main stem with "half inch line"???? Later I told him that I do not agree with dynamic/elastic cabling but we just "have a difference of opinion".

As for CODIT, I know you have based your entire forum on your esoteric understanding of WALL FOUR and we have been over this a thousand times and this thread is not the place to thrash it out again (this is why DMc and SMc were banned on your forum and maybe even OOMT). I studied the CODIT system with Shigo under a microscope with only 24 other students in week long seminars so I have a pretty good understanding of what HE understood the process to be, and he DISCOVERED the process and invented the acronym to teach it. I am the one that TAUGHT you to recognize it (wall 4) by looking at hollow trees.

Do you remember pm ing me asking for information on CODIT for something you were working on???? You will likely lie and say no.

I am not derailing this thread further with a pissing contest with you but will continue to defend myself against the dictator as he is impotent on this forum and cannot ban everyone that disagrees with him.

PS... How'd you work Len Phillips into this? Isn't he another one you booted?

typical ploy from someone on the run. Painted into a corner what else is there to do but say everyone is on my side against you. I received an Pm yesterday and today today from one of the ones you banned sent to one of your site moderators (copied me in). Seems he may be intimidated by you (why be intimidated by a little pot bellied guy a million miles away that used to repossess cars a few years ago prior to becoming a forum owner/sometimes treeman?).....anywho....seems this guy just linked a informational from the largest tree industry organizationa in the world to help in the thread. Welllllll, you'd think they guy attacked the shores down under. All the mods joined in on a gang bang and the guy was punted across the pond to another continent.

The joke is not on you (you're too dense to get it) you are actually the joke. :hmm3grin2orange:

Seems to me that it is YOU that has something to gain by stinking this forum up than I do I love this forum and it is my home. You were in a constant mode to try and gain posters away from other forums and become number one. That is why you crap all over other forums and constantly put them down (including this one). What was it you recently called Treebuzz?.

Look at my post count and my rep., 1 neg in all my posts from Treeco and yeah, I feel he was right on that one. 2500 posts here solid attendance last year and 2500 posts on your forum but haven't been on there in a half year because of you booting all the good posters. Over 5000 posts in about 4 years. Yeah I like to argue but usually it is with some not so condescending and self righteous and ISA and America hating as you. Also not interested in being on a forum run by an atheist anymore. C Ya.

hahaha....more predictable rhetoric Pekka.......

You the victim of name calling while calling names....you the victor of all contention....Local....National....International...(Universal?)....

You've got us ALL "on the ropes" with impending Final Blow subject only to the benevolent dictator's compassion. We all stand quivering beneath the magnificence of your shadow...the ISA, The United States, The Forums, Me, Your Wife, Your Kids, The Dog....

Hey, you still livin in that little flat over somebody's garage since the wife banned your ass? Maybe another cocktail has you forgetting all that?
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Bermie, next time you're up in my neighborhood we'll have to set you up a test flight. :cheers:
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Berm. next time you're up in my neighborhood we'll have to set you up a test flight. :cheers:

Now you're talking!!! Could be May or June...

Guys, you don't have to overjustify yourselves...the words that have been said are there for the record...anyone with one good eye can figure it out, I agree though its hard to ignore a personal attack, more than just a disagreement over equipment or technique...bad form really.

I just hate to see flames and stupidity overshadow the contributions everyone has to make, passion is understandable, personal attacks and name calling are not.
And yes, its pretty clear why you two are over here.

I dont and cant speak for JayD but I am always "over here". I have been "over here" for over 5 years, have almost 5000 posts and put a darn lot of good information into this place.

I am in this thread as I have experience and knowledge of these devices, also to let people know there was other devices prior to the Wraptor.

I also discussed briefly how one can use the system Drt and have it right there next to you if you need to ascend again, no humping.

I am clear why I am here, perhaps you are assuming some alterior motive, not sure however I interpreted some animosity in your post along the lines of insinuating we are just here to fight .... not the case at all for me.

I often read over threads and posts and see things have been missed, or misrepresented and chime in, then for some strange reason out of the woodwork comes a barrage of garbage usually from the same ole people. :)
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I dont and cant speak for JayD but I am always "over here". I have been "over here" for over 5 years, have almost 5000 posts and put a darn lot of good information into this place.

I do not come here as much as Ekka but I have been a member here for near on four years.

However I like a good discussion about facts I can take back to the real working world and use...not hearsay, I don't like personal attacks on anybody.

I have been following this discussion but stayed out of this thread, until the comments became personal attacks. Not to fight but, with the hope of getting this thread back to some form of decency. So the good folks out there can come and have a good read about a typical American aftermarket product. Heck American's invented the aftermarket product, just look at all the Harley Davidson aftermarket products you can buy.
I first joined here in '01 or '02. I remember Eric in '04 or '05 when he was just a wee rookie. :cheers:

Some of the faces are still here; lots of new ones.

It's all good.
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It takes two baby, isnt there a song like that?

So true but when one keeps slinging the shyte and getting personal like treevet has do you just roll over and take it! Hell I would not have posted stern words to treevet if he didn't get personal.

Your opinion is jaded as he is your employer. Plenty of insults and lies from your boss'es side. Your stern words were ignored as I consider you a friend and you also mentioned the same thing to me earlier.

I have him on ignore and this and any other argument between his side and mine will not happen to dirty up a thread again. If he wants to talk to me come in to PM. Love to chat with you there.

I do appreciate you saying one side was presenting facts (me) and the other side personal attacks. The truth is a stranger to that dude and I could list a handful of lies in this thread alone.

The wheel would have been invented if the first person did not invent it. Why do you persist in asserting the device was not invented in this country? You cannot buy your product here and you cannot buy the Wraptor over their. There is no competition except for who had the original concept. The winner of that debate gets a cup of coffee as a prize if he has a buck in his pocket.
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