I've been doing a bit of research for the sake of learning. I didn't realise the check valves in these are a thin piece of plastic? I had a look at the carb cleaner that I'm using and it contains MEK and a load of other things with a specific warning not to use on paint. Probably melted the valves...
Main nozzle check valves are mostly Teflon - highly chemical resistant, you’re fine.
Your current carb is a Zama - here are Zama’s instructions to free a stuck valve....
Screw in (closed) both L and H carb screws and pop some fuel line over the check valve to make a seal. The gently blow and suck (check valve must be wet to function)
You should hear a gentle pop. Blowing should allow air past, sucking should stop the valve shut.
If there isn’t any popping you have a stuck check valve.
Read the workshop manual for your specific carb to replace the valve if you can’t free it up- it’s cheap and easy. They are pressed / tapped out, but different carbs recommend different directions in which to remove them.