Grace Tree
Impossible Access
I put a chain on backwards once. I just jumped over to the other side of the tree.
I put a chain on backwards once. I just jumped over to the other side of the tree.
Not so good. Turned out it was backwards on that side too.Ehhhh hmmmmmm, so howd da work out for yea
Try turning the bar upside down....that usually helps.
Oil change procedure for hacks:
step one, drain oil
1.5 have a beer
step two, remove filter
2.5 have a beer
step three, replace oil filter
3.5 have a beer
step four, wipe oil from filter off hands
4.5 have a beer
step five, add oil to engine
5.5 have a beer
step six, run for beer because it was not a full six pack
step seven, call a buddy because you forgot to put in.....
I've heard this before, and I've been the buddy who got the call! I think he was still a bit drunk from the night before. Dumb Jarhead!
All that beer talk has made me thirsty!
I wonder if you are a hack when all your stubs have a beer can covering them because you forgot to take the paint up the tree. :bang:
Not so good. Turned out it was backwards on that side too.