Using Norton. Still got it. There is a lot of that adware Norton won't touch and even Norton will tell you that.
Security is in layers. there is no one single solution. Analogy-you don't drive a car however you want in traffic because you might have airbags.
Anti virus software is by nature after the fact of malware being used someplace, they use virus definitions. There is some predictability, but..
You need active on your part javascript control at a minimum.
this is easy to use and quite effective
Those of us who use it never see the redirects. Right now this second I am still seeing the site is infected as one of the numerous potential redirect domains, called any dot gs, is here on the site, and was automatically blocked by noscript, as I have the entire site blocked from executing scripts. I surf all the time default javascript blocked and have learned (and it doesn't take long) which domains to temporary allow in order to get content that might require it.
I allow *no domain* to have permanent javascript access. never. Temporary only, only for what I might need right then, then back off.
I knew this site was vulnerable a long time ago when i first joined and had to make a descion on allow/not allow. Once in awhile I allowed, but mostly I didn't.
vBulletin makes a nice forum, but I never trusted it as per security. It is too juicy a target (very very large user bases on hundreds of thousands of forums) and relies on active scripting all the time.
I was right.
Use noscript, it helps a lot.
Might take one hour tops surfing around to get used to it, but tell ya, it makes the web a lot more tolerable.