Was Arboristsite Hacked? Is Arboristsite Down?

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Has anyone noticed the warning at the top of their AS "Likes" page when they open up for the first time? It reads like this: Warning: Declaration of vB_ProfileBlock_vBSEOLikes::block_is_enabled() should be compatible with that of vB_ProfileBlock::block_is_enabled() in ..../vbseo/includes/functions_vbseo_ui_profile.php on line 52
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Doing a search on that topic, I found this solution/work-around: vBSEO 3.6.1 and vBullerin 4.2.2 - Likes warning - vBulletin SEO Forums

The whole thread seems to be related to the problems with the "like" function at other websites, so you may wish to check it out. Hope this helps.

For the site or us?
Macs don't have a hosts file and neither do mobile devices. Even if you get around the redirect yourself you are going to be very lonely because there's nobody here. This is a problem that has to be handled by the board where it should be. Hopefully it's now taken care of.
Macs don't have a hosts file and neither do mobile devices. Even if you get around the redirect yourself you are going to be very lonely because there's nobody here. This is a problem that has to be handled by the board where it should be. Hopefully it's now taken care of.

It's *both*. Web site owners have an obligation to stay up top speed on security, AS DO joe blow at home people on whatever machine they got.

This is a *technology* forum, slash, chainsaws and assorted wood wrangling gear, but that doesn't alter the fact if you want to hang out on a tech forum, you shouldn't just wave your hands in the air and say you don't get it or can't do it, etc. You, anyone you, generally and broadly speaking, can do the research and learn to use the internet and your own machine better.

There was no excuse other than ignorance. and not taking the time to go look, in getting pwned when the first hack happened, because whomever got redirected, had their javascript set for full acceptance, accept everything. This is a serious no-no.

You learn not to do this within the first five minutes of reading about internet security, any operating system or browser. (except I myself plead ignorance on various mobile systems, talking about desktop/laptop systems now, I just have little experience with mobiles and still learning)

The first thing you learn, is keep your system up to date, second is control active scripting.

There's more after that, but those are the two biggees at the top.
Hey all we will be reformatting server tonight around 7:30 Est.
Site will be down for a while to do this.
Look forward to seeing y'all on the other side.

and there's nothing in my data here
that can't be easily replaced/reloaded.

So nuke away!
I guess the management has been very busy for quite some time. I've had all my business computers get roasted, so I can sympathize. The whole world goes into slow motion while you bang your head on the wall, endlessly trying to restore what was lost.

Perhaps you can start a thread that offers tips on how to use the new site or perhaps takes suggestions/questions about features that may be missing?