......You have to build a shed 8 x 12 that really wasn't nearly big enough to hold everything that you had at the time in a rental storage facility, but you couldn't build a bigger shed because of local building code offset rules and utilities on the property, as well as having to justify the cost of the shed to your wife with what you will sell some of the repaired equipment for...
This actually worked out well for us, as I was able to build enough shelves to store a push mower, wheelbarrow, all saws and parts, and all other lawn equipment I use for myself.
The size of the shed also controls my turnover of inventory, as in no hoarding of old saws or junk saws that I won't or don't have time to get to. Also, I am more specific on what brands and models of newer saws are worth working on or not in a direct correlation to how easily and how much price a good fixed one will sell for locally.
Although I have gotten quite picky on what I will bring home, I still seem to find a bunch of gems that I just don't always tell my wife about....