ArboristSite Lurker
Couple ways of looking at that. He's a relative with a few years on him so I would give him the wood anyway, so you got the saw for free. Or, I get $200 a cord so it cost $800. I wouldn't look at it as a business deal. I see it as your Dad's cousin gave you a family heirloom. And to say thanks, you are going to keep him in firewood for a while. You did good.
I totally agree, either way you look at it it's a great deal! I love getting firewood and I have a HUGE stash of Australian Eucalyptus which I can process and give to him. Some of it is so large that a 42 inch bar from both ways just meets in the middle, that's my MS660 with 36 inch bar:

And yes, the saw has a tremendous amount of history and he's owned it since new, he was telling me how he milled all the timber for his woolshed with the saw along with other great stories about it. I'll certainly look after it and put it to good use! Here's the lineup of Stihl that it will be included in: