Ex-Climber with CAD
Stihl 066 28” B&C with a “blown top” turns out it’s just a blown out base gasket due to loose cylinder bolts (seals, bearings, top end all good) came with extra Walbro WJ69. Which carb kit do I need?

Minty Husqvarna 61 with new 20” Husq B&C (only needs a clutch cover/brake flag, had the wrong one mounted)... Guy plans to bring me a 440 & tree crushed 661 for another couple hunnit cause he “didn’t think I’d be interested in them”
$300... I win this weekend!

Minty Husqvarna 61 with new 20” Husq B&C (only needs a clutch cover/brake flag, had the wrong one mounted)... Guy plans to bring me a 440 & tree crushed 661 for another couple hunnit cause he “didn’t think I’d be interested in them”
$300... I win this weekend!