A year or two out of high school (late 70's), picked up a deal on a clean 031av when I no longer had easy access to my dads saw. Didn't use it very often but felt the need to have one 'just in case', to help out friends, etc.
Bought a house about 10 years later and started burning wood, did 3-4 cords a year. Around late 90's the 031 started cutting out at odd times, would start right back up but was pissing me off, tore it down multiple times but I couldn't figure it out.
Was at the local dealer to buy a gal of bar oil and there was a Husq 55 on sale for I think $265. Really didn't think I needed two saws but bought it on a whim more or less and because the 031 was really annoying me. Then the 031 started working right again all on it's own, I figured it must have been jealous of the 55, lol.
Those two served my needs just fine for another 10 years or so, when I found a busted up 028av for $18 at a flea market. No sooner had I scrounged parts for that I found another deal-I-couldn't-refuse on another 55 at the same place.
Then I got free access to a truck and some acreage of standing red/white oak, got interested in doing performance mods and started lurking here for a while...
Still have the 031, both 55's and the 028, as well as somewhere around a hundred additional saws and see no end to it, WTF:msp_ohmy::msp_tongue:.