An Italian Stallion: Alpina A-90

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Nov 8, 2006
Reaction score
Franklin, OH
Yesterday I got a text from fellow AS member Joe, aka ELECT6845, that he had found an Alpina A-90. Neither one of us knew much of anything about the saw. I knew that some of them were pretty cool looking, but that was about it. A little research and this one and the 120 are the ones I like. What little info I can find indicates that this one might be the rarest of the breed here in the US. So Joe went and picked it up today. He also went as far as to clean it up and send me some pics. That's when I couldn't stand it any longer. Next thing you know, arrangements were made, and I was headed to south of Indianapolis after work. As if getting me this saw wasn't enough, I was treated to supper too! Man, it doesn't get any better than that. A great old saw, a free meal, and getting to hand out with a great guy?!!!

Joe said that the saw started and ran as was, but was low on compression, despite the apparent lack of use. I've yet to hear it run myself. When pulling it over, it sounded to me like the decomp was leaking. After getting home, which was after 11PM, I tore into the saw. Compression was 120 initially. After tightening a loose decomp, it's now 155. The piston looks great, without even any carbon on the piston crown. Now that it's apart, I can give inside the covers a good cleaning, and then put it back together. This baby needs nothing other than a recoil handle, an air filter, and a chain sharpening. Even the fuel lines are nice and supple.

Anyone know of a source for an air filter? The saw does not have one at all, even though it was clean inside the filter box. I'm assuming that it was simply misplaced at some point.








what size is the air box?, looks like a homey or lombard air filter could fit right in......................;)
I love the looks of the Alpina. I am very interested in your assessment of how they are built and perform.
I noticed that Wayne (gmax) liked your initial photos Brad. He has an Alpina that looks similar that he's started for me a few times. It is by far the loudest saw I have ever heard by a long long way :cheers:
I noticed that Wayne (gmax) liked your initial photos Brad. He has an Alpina that looks similar that he's started for me a few times. It is by far the loudest saw I have ever heard by a long long way :cheers:

That's only because Wayne probably doesn't have an old Remington with the megaphone exhaust .... :jester:

Brad/Joe - Nice catch! I was going to go check it out yesterday, but the guy I spoke to really wasn't of any help when I asked him about details ... That saw woulda looked nice next to my 55 ...