The slang term 'Madsenized' is kind of like 'Walkerized'. Harbor Saw in Aberdeen, WA does the same thing basically, with a few differences. Madsens' official name for it, if they still even offer that service, is 'Power Tune'. You might also have heard the term 'woods tune'. Baiscally, they balance and blueprint the engine, or so they say, and shave the jug for added compression. They also do some work to the intake/exhaust timing. Walker's Saw Shop in Nanaimo, BC also used to plug the compression release on saws equipped with same.
The common sentiment is that on a production saw in moderate to large timer, a woods tune can not only boost performance, but in some cases at least, actually prolong the life of the saw. In small to medium wood, especially with an inexperienced operator, it can turn a saw into a grenade.
There are lots of folks here who know more about this than me. Unfortunately, the day will probably come when EPA puts an end to this as well.