Poulan 245A Bow Saw

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Nov 8, 2006
Reaction score
Franklin, OH
I've had this 245A for a few weeks. When I got it, I tore it down for cleaning, and ported it while I was at it. I wanted a bow setup for it though. So I picked up a worn looking 306A on eBay that had the bow setup. I repainted those parts yesterday, and put them on the 245A. It also got new clutch cover and air filter decals. The paint isn't an exact match, but I guess it'll have to do.




He forgot to resize the top decal, so I had to trim it down. He's making me another one, so I'll replace it in a few days. It turns out the width of the decal is wider on the 306 than the 245.

Nice looking saw Brad. Almost too nice to do any cutting with.

Just to get some perspective on size, how many links in the chain?

Was there any reason why you swapped the bow to another saw or was it just because?

If you do run it, I'm sure I'm not the only one hoping for some action videos on that one.

No rep available but I'm thinking you did a good job.

I believe the chain is 79DL. I swapped the bow setup because I'm only keeping the 245A and wanted it setup as a bow saw. The only reason I bought the 306A was to steal the bow parts. Yes, I will cut with this saw.
That looks good to me there Brad. I love those.

I can't get used to seeing the cast muffler on a 245A though.

You maybe right on the chain drive link count but it seems mine took 80dl's as I cut one link out of a 24" 81 dl chain if I remember right.
? about Bow Saw uses

I have been aware of them for years, never used one.
Are they mainly used for bucking on ground? An old logger told
me years ago they were dangerous for other purposes.
Bottom dog

From what little I have read about these bars, you brace the bottom dog
on log and use the lower part of bar to cut logs on ground. I use narrow
low kickback B & C for cleanup, but use pro type B & C for big stuff, depends
on the use.
Thats a sweet lookin saw Brad,
Although i would get the hand
guard for the top of the bow before
i'd cut with it.


I'm not sure these came with that guard. I'm not sure they didn't either. I'll be honest, I am a little scared of that chain. I'm not used to a spinning chain being that high, and it'd be easy to forget and get cut. Mark, did these have that guard?
should have asked Wigglesworth for direction to his GTG

I could have met you guys, probably live < 30 mi. away, just to hot in WK
for sawing for my uses, I saw in fall & early winter except in wind or
ice storm emergencies, too many chiggers, ticks, snakes & poison ivy
to deal with.
They had the option of the guard. The two holes on the top of the bow that have about 11" of space is where it mounted. You need to worry about the top of the bow, but the bottom is more dangerous.
That I'm not sure about. He has a price list of what's readily available. He might be able to do others if you send him good pics. Not sure about that though.

Something to consider. . . I rarely do a full restore like you do, but having nice stickers really dresses up a saw.

Thanks for the info Mr. Brad. . . And great looking Poulan! :cheers: