Curious?? Is that the recommended size for the return air??
The reason I'm asking is the "rule-of-thumb" is to have at least the same size return as the outlet... usually a bit larger is even better to allow for elbows and such.
I'm also curious if the gas furnace blower is still starting up now that the return is connected. If it is, you really should install some sort of backdraft damper. In most gas furnaces the heat sensor that turns on the blower is located in the heat exchanger... and if it's getting hot enough to start the blower you have warm air traveling backwards in the ducts. That can cause a "loop" where the return is pulling warm air from the duct, backwards through the gas furnace, and back into the wood furnace. Over time the velocity and volume of reverse air can steadily increase until it adversely effects the heating ability... and could possibly overheat the wood furnace (not sure how likely that would be, but it is possible). If you don't use the gas furnace there's actually a very simple and easy way to install a backdraft damper... just replace the gas furnace filter with something solid like a piece of sheet metal, plywood, or even stiff cardboard. Ya' just haf'ta remember to remove the damper if ya' ever do use the gas furnace.