OP said:All those crappy cylinders, poor reliability, sorry azz dealers have really hurt Stihl, yup, Stihl quailty has really declined. So much so they may not be in business much longer, oh wait, lookie here,LOLOL
STIHL is the Number One Selling Brand of Handheld Outdoor Power Equipment in AmericaMajor Milestone a Historic First for the Company
Release Date: June 2010
The real reason that Stihl has moved to #1....
Flippy Caps!!!!
Wait till Belgain see's that, he will kill you,LOLOLOLOLOL
The best selling brand of beer in the world isn't the best tasting beer by any stretch. Sales figures don't mean a thing.
The best selling brand of beer in the world isn't the best tasting beer by any stretch. Sales figures don't mean a thing.
The best selling brand of beer in the world isn't the best tasting beer by any stretch. Sales figures don't mean a thing.
I'd really like to see the entire report!!!
I think it is somewhat deceptive to narrow the parameters of your goal down to something that you can easily achieve instead of setting a goal that you actually have to work for.
I could say that I want, within the next year, to become the number one seller of O.P.E. that had been resurrected from the dead by rms61moparman.
All I would have to do is rebuild a few trimmers and saws and sell them and POOF! my goal is met.
I am finding Stihls claim somewhat hard to swallow, with the tremendous amount of Poulan trimmers, blowers, and chainsaws sold around the world every day!!!
I think it is somewhat deceptive to narrow the parameters of your goal down to something that you can easily achieve instead of setting a goal that you actually have to work for.
I could say that I want, within the next year, to become the number one seller of O.P.E. that had been resurrected from the dead by rms61moparman.
All I would have to do is rebuild a few trimmers and saws and sell them and POOF! my goal is met.
I am finding Stihls claim somewhat hard to swallow, with the tremendous amount of Poulan trimmers, blowers, and chainsaws sold around the world every day!!!
I think it is somewhat deceptive to narrow the parameters of your goal down to something that you can easily achieve instead of setting a goal that you actually have to work for.
blowers, and chainsaws sold around the world every day!!!
My point is that they couldn't compete with Husky and the Husqvarna group as the number one seller of outdoor power equipment, so they narrow the parameters of the group by adding the word HANDHELD.
Thereby eliminating the sales of all the Husky/Poulan lawnmowers, rototillers etc.
Like I said I'd like to see the complete report so I could find out what Stihl omitted in their release.
I love Stihl and their products (mostly) and hope to see them happy and healthy for decades.
But I'll bet you this is just the side of the story that Stihl wants you to see.
If every Home Depot, Lowe's, Wal-Mart, K-mart, Tractor Supply, Meijer and Target sold just one Poulan per day for a week that would take a big bite out of Stihls "LEAD".
There are hundreds of those companies doing market research and polls.
You can find one to say anything you want said, and have the data to prove that it's true.
I think your missing the point Mike. What Stihl is really boasting about is they do not need all those retail chains you just mentioned.
You have a what if there. Let me give you one of mine. What if all those other brands sold their products the way Stihl does and didn't have the those big retail chains to rely on. How many would be out of business next year?
No I haven't. I try to stay away from clamshell engines. They're just more trouble to work on.
We just had ethics training at work today. I don't think I can do this:greenchainsaw:
People want to argue about this but they seem to let all the usual unsubstantiated BS flow without question!
Oh, an example? OK.
Another? OK.
All those crappy cylinders, poor reliability, sorry azz dealers have really hurt Stihl, yup, Stihl quailty has really declined. So much so they may not be in business much longer, oh wait, lookie here,LOLOL
STIHL is the Number One Selling Brand of Handheld Outdoor Power Equipment in AmericaMajor Milestone a Historic First for the Company
Release Date: June 2010
Press Inquiries:
Anita Gambill
(757) 486-9151 office
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – STIHL, already recognized as the number one selling brand of chain saws and cut-off machines worldwide, reached another milestone as the number one selling brand of gasoline-powered handheld outdoor power equipment in America. Officials at STIHL Inc. announced today that syndicated commercial and independent consumer research of 2009 U.S. sales and market share data shows that the brand has extended its market leading position to handheld outdoor power equipment for consumers and professional landscapers.
“The STIHL story is filled with many firsts which have earned the company numerous marketplace recognitions over the years,” said Fred Whyte, president of STIHL Inc. “This latest achievement is especially gratifying and affirms our dedication to manufacturing excellence and our unique distribution strategy.”
STIHL Inc., founded by ANDREAS STIHL AG & Co. KG in 1974, is based in Virginia Beach Va., and manufactures over 180 different model variations of gasoline-powered handheld outdoor power equipment products for sale in the U.S. and around the world.
Becoming the number one selling brand is especially significant given that almost every one of STIHL’s competitors in the consumer and professional handheld outdoor power equipment market utilize mass merchants to sell their product. STIHL’s distribution network in the U.S. includes 12 distributors and more than 8,000 independent servicing dealers and its decision to forgo the mass merchant retail channels and distribute product only through servicing dealers was featured in the recently released book “The Distribution Trap: Keeping Your Innovations from Becoming Commodities” by Dr. Andrew Thomas and Dr. Timothy Wilkinson.
"Number one selling brand" is based on syndicated Irwin Broh Research (commercial landscapers) as well as independent consumer research of 2009 U.S. sales and market share data for the gasoline-powered handheld outdoor power equipment category combined sales to consumers and commercial landscapers.
I have known a lot of really good salesmen in my life. Just judging by what I read I'm not sure you are the best, but I'd say you are definately among the top 5.
You are however among the top 2 instigators I've ever known. :hmm3grin2orange:
I'd really like to see the entire report!!!
I think it is somewhat deceptive to narrow the parameters of your goal down to something that you can easily achieve instead of setting a goal that you actually have to work for.
I could say that I want, within the next year, to become the number one seller of O.P.E. that had been resurrected from the dead by rms61moparman.
All I would have to do is rebuild a few trimmers and saws and sell them and POOF! my goal is met.
I am finding Stihls claim somewhat hard to swallow, with the tremendous amount of Poulan trimmers, blowers, and chainsaws sold around the world every day!!!
Like I said earlier in the thread, in 2009 Echo was leading in the handheld category combined, not STIHL. I saw this on a glossy comparison sheet. Where the hell is STIHL getting this they're the best selling in the world crap? They've been saying number 1 worldwide for years so i guess they will change it to number 1 selling brand worldwide now? more marketing garbage. you can be the best selling brand, who cares? that's like saying vanilla ice is a great musician because he outsold everyone in his era. Husqvarna makes the best saws with or without a gimmicky slogan.